School Blog


Our topic for this half term is Pirates! It's going to be very exciting as we try to uncover a pirate mystery and maybe even become pirates ourselves!

Ice Investigation

Today we have been predicting and investigating what happens to water when it gets cold. We have put trays in the freezer to find out...

World War 2

We are enjoying learning about WW2. There has been a huge response from children about their creative homework on WW2, children have brought in wonderful photos, pictures and information. An Anderson shelter/air raid shelter has been built in our classroom and we have even read by torch light!!

Making pizzas

This week we have been learning all about food from around the world. We made yummy pizzas which we then ate. They were delicious. All the children had a great time choosing thier toppings and talking about Italian food.

Food Glorious Food

Our new topic for this half term is "Food Glorious Food". We will learning about foods from around the world, where food comes from, how food has changed over the years and we will be making lots of different foods and tasting lots of yummy foods too. Its going to be an exciting and delicious half term.

Cinderella and Rockerfella!

What a night! The Year 6 children and staff presented a fabulous performance of "Cinderella and Rockerfella". Despite a few nerves on the night, everyone took to the stage with gigantic smiles and hilarious jokes. We are very proud of all the children and staff who were involved in the performance and wish everyone a very Merry Christmas! 

Christmas Party

We had a fantastic time at our Christmas party. We played pass the parcel and danced, our favourite song was Gangnam Style. We even had a surprise visit from Father Christmas!
