School Blog

Our Amazing Class Assembly

Well done everybody! You all did a fabulous job in our class assembly  and I'm very proud of you all. Thank you to all the parents and carers who came to support the children, it was lovely to see so many of you at our amazing assembly.

Our visit to Tesco

To end our "Food Glorious Food" topic, we went to visit Tesco in Stalybridge. We took part in their Field to Fork project and found out where lots of different foods come from. We also got to taste bread, cheese, olives, strawberries, apples and blueberries. We had a fantastic morning and would like to say a BIG THANK YOU to Sharon and Hayley who showed us around.

Model Making in Year 5 !

This term Year 5 have massively improved their knowledge of the countries in Europe together with their capital cities, flags and famous landmarks.  All the class enjoyed  D & T sessions where they sketched, planned and built  some impressive models of landmarks around Europe.


We are learning all about pirates this week. We have been making treasure maps, sorting out pirate treasure and role playing in our fabulous pirate ship.

Circus Week

We are thoroughly enjoying our circus week so far. We loved the visit from Circus Sensible, it made us all laugh! 

Year 5 Explore Europe!

Year 5 are enjoying their new topic - EXPLORING EUROPE!  For their homework task they spoke to members of their family about countries they have visited within Europe.  The result?  Some fantastic presentations together with photographs and items of interest from lots of different countries.  During the presentations the children used excellent speaking and listening skills and we have all learnt new facts about Europe.  For instance, Jessica told us all about the story of Nando's cockerel from Portugal.

Suspense and Spooks

The Year 6 children are having an exciting time writing spooky stories based on the The Highwayman - a narrative poem by Alfred Noyes. At first, the children developed their use of language through creating spooky imagery in poetry. They have built on this to write a range of story openers to grab the their reader's attention and have chosen the best ones to write their own narratives based on the Highwayman. The children have also written about our own in-class ghost, "The Phantom Pen Theif". Have you seen this mysterious spectre?

Oliver's Vegetables

This week we are learning about Healthy and Unhealthy food. We are focusing on the story of Oliver's Vegetables. The children have been learning about days of the week and we have been ordering the story. Well done year 1

Water Investigation - Part 2

We concluded our water investigation today. We took the trays out of the freezer and discovered the water had frozen. We felt the ice and described what it felt like and discussed how it had changed. We watched to see what happened to the ice when we left it out in the classroom and put it in the water. It melted! We had a wonderful time being super scientists!
