School Blog

SATs Week for Year 6!

What a busy week!

Well done to our fantastic Year 6 children.  

You have all worked extremely hard this week and kept positive and focussed while sitting your SATs.

Your teachers couldn't be more proud of you all.

A HUGE thankyou to Layla's mum for the gorgeous celebration cake (see photos) with all our names on it!

Have a lovely, chilled weekend 

Miss Lewis and Mrs Gething xx

Punch and Judy Puppets

We have been focusing on Punch and Judy puppet shows. The children watched different video clips of a Punch and Judy puppet show, we wrote character descriptions about Punch and Judy and we put on our own puppet shows using our amazing puppets which we made all by ourselves. It was a great week and the children even got to show all their fabulous work at our parent open afternoon. Thank you to all the parents who came to our class fairground to support us. It was a brilliant afternoon and the children really enjoyed themselves.

Fairground Posters

We have produced some wonderful fairground posters. We used the ipads and the computers to create our masterpieces. Well done year 1!

All the fun at the fair

This half term we are learning about the Fairground. We will be looking at old and new rides, designing our own rides, making Punch and Judy puppets and lots more.

It's going to be a fun and exciting half term. Keep watching our blog to find out more......


Children in Year 4 enjoy history so this half term our theme is The Tudors.  Biographies and interviews, making Tudor houses, drawing portraits of Henry V111's wives and lots more. Our creative homework this term is to write a biography about a Royal person, we can't wait to read them. Mrs Slate & Ms McCoy.

Super Science Week!

Science Week was a huge success last week!  Billy Branston’s Amazing Potato Factory was resident in the car park from Tuesday to Thursday and all of the children from Year 1 to Year 6 spent an hour in the bus. They engaged in hands on tasks such as planting; growing and storage; sorting and weighing and nutrition and cooking. Key Stage 2 were extremely lucky to visit the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester where they enjoyed fun and educational interative shows and activities.

Science Week

The children loved all our science week activities based around growing. The garden centre role play has been a massive success and the cooking and tasting roasted vegetables went down a treat too!


This week is Science Week.  We are learning all about growing, the life cycle of a plant and what plants need to grow.  
