School Blog

Hot air balloons

In our topic lessons this half term, we have been getting very messy making paper mache hot air balloons. We began researching different balloon designs and then sketched our own before we started creating them.  We have finally finished them this week and they look fantastic!


This week we have made a large 3D model of the broomstick from Room on the Broom. The children had an amazing time constructing the different parts of the broomstick and the end result is "MAGNIFICENT"


This week was our first lesson at playing Hockey in P.E. We learnt how to hold are stick safely, control the ball and dribble. We all really enjoyed it and can't wait for next week's lesson.

Story Sharing!

Year 2 have been sharing their Star stories with Year 1 this morning. Year 2 were very proud of all their hard work and Year 1 listened fantastically to the stories.

Football Super Stars!

Year 2 have been working hard this morning on their football skills. They have impressed Jess from Manchester United Foundation with their team work and movement skills. Well done Year 2!

Royal Tea Party

We had lots of fun making scones for our Royal Tea Party on Friday! We enjoyed eating them even more! The children looked fantastic in their outfits, it was like stepping into the 1950s. All monies raised will go to Macmillan, the total amount raised will be shared on the website as soon as possible. Thank you for all your donations.

Scary Spider making in Year 1

Today we have been making biscuit spiders. The children had lots of fun using melted chocolate to make the body, adding skittle eyes and making sure they had eight legs!!! I hope they were yummy.
