School Blog

Super Scientists !

A new and extremely enthusiastic team have joined Science Club for the Autumn Term and they have been busy each Thursday after school.  They investigated upthrust and gravity by making paper boats to test how many multi-links they could carry before sinking. A new record was celebrated - 27 multi links in one boat!  After searching for items of interest in the school's outdoor space, the team members found leaves, feathers and a few mini beasts.  Some amazing sights were seen when they used microscopes to view them in more detail!  We have some super scientists at Broadbent Fold!

RE week - Ann Angel - a special visitor!

During RE week Year 5 enjoyed learning about some Jewish traditions and customs from a special visitor - Ann Angel.  They learnt about Shabbat - the Jewish Sabbath and Rosh Hashanah - the Jewish New Year.  We all shared in the tradition of eating apples dipped in honey.  This custom symbolises hopes for a "sweet" New Year ahead.  Some children had an opportunity to wear a kippah (Jewish headwear) and a prayer shawl.  Year 5 went on to research the Jewish place of worship - the synagogue - and found it interesting to compare the Jewish faith with other religions.  Mrs Blomeley. 

Year 5 go back to Victorian times!

Year 5 travelled back in time to the Victorian age when they visited Quarry Bank Mill in Styal on 7th October.  Dressed in clothes of the Victorian period, the children arrived at Apprentice House and stepped right into a school lesson!   Handwriting on chalkboards, calling the very strict Mistress "Maam" and learning about some scary medical procedures of the time (such as bloodsucking leeches) made Year 5 realise just how lucky they are to live in 2016!

A Flying Start!

In Mathis this half term, we have been practising partitioning. My favourite part of Maths has been adding using partitioning. In English, we have been writing letters to Iza Jayer in the Artic Circle because he needed our help to win a hot air balloon competition to England but he wasn't very good at reading and writing. My favourite part of English this half term has been writing instructions about how to make a hot air balloon.  Are favourite experiement in Science was seeing how different material can affect how fast an object travels.


We have made porridge this week. We all tasted it and most of us thought it was just right. 

RE Week

In RE week we learnt all about Noah's Ark. We made some fantastic rainbows and counted all the animals for Noah. Outside we built an amazing ark.

Marvellous Maths in Year 1

We have been learning all about place value this half term. The children have been learning numbers up to 100 and we have been using lots of resources to support our learning. We have been using number lines, numicon, magnetic numbers to help us add numbers together and find one more and one less. We have been very busy and we are ready for lots of new challenges next half term.

Potion making

As part of our topic we have been making potions. The children had to decide what kind of potion they would like to make and the ingredients they would like to use. They have made a fantastic display in our classroom. Lets hope they don't get used and somebody turns into a frog!!!!!

Brewing fantastic sentences

This half term we have been learning how a brew the perfect sentence. The children have been using capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. We have also been using adjectives and conjunctions to make our writing even more exciting. Well done Year 1.
