School Blog

What's behind the door?

We have been very creative with our writing this week. The children have been using their imaginations and writing about "What's behind the door?"

What do you think is behind the magical door!!!!!!

The Secret Garden

This half term we will be learning about The Secret Garden. The children will be listening to the story, writing character descriptions, learning about the characters and their feeelings and re-writing the story. We will also be finding out about plants, parts of a plant and what plants need to grow. It will be a very busy half term but an exciting one too.

Roman workshop

An amazing day made memorable by a visit from a Roman Soldier. Year 4 tried on Roman clothes and armour, they went into battle as Celtic tribes and they looked closely at Roman artefacts. Children even marched as Roman soldiers, just ask them what they threw!

Knowsley Safari Park

We had an amazing time on our school trip. We saw lots of different animals and learnt all about them. We loved the sealion show and handling the rainforest creatures.

Space in the Playground!

Year 5 have been learning about Earth and the Solar System this term.  They were given a task to create chalk pictures of the planets, making sure they were drawn to scale and placed in their position in relation to the Sun.  The childlren have learnt a mnemonic to help them remember this information: My Very Easy Method Just Speeds Up Naming (planets).  Mars, Venus, Earth, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.  The class demonstrated great team work (look how many children helped to make the Sun) and also had great fun. The results were very impressive.  Well done Year 5!

Pirate Day!

Year 2 have had a fantastic pirate day today! They really enjoyed sharing their learning in the class assembly so a big thank you to everyone who came to watch. After the assembly we went on a treasure hunt outside and found lots of golden doubloons. We also decorated some pirate biscuits and danced to pirate music. A very busy but enjoyable pirate day!

Pirate reading!

Year 2 have loved reading all of the pirate topic books in their reading corner.  Lots of children brought in books from home or made pirate books to share with the other children.  It is fantastic to see so many keen readers!

Marvellous Maths

All of the children in Year 4 have been working very hard this half term to learn their multiplication tables. They have thoroughly enjoyed knowing, learning and applying their time tables facts to fractions and divsion calculations. What an important skill this is, keep up all the hard work Year 4.

Year 5's Family Open Morning!

Teachers, pupils and parents all agreed that Year 5's Exploring Europe assembly was fabulous! Where else would you find Albert Einstein, J. K. Rowling and the Pope in one place?  Following the assembly family members visited Year 5's classroom to pit their wits on some quizzes about Europe that the children had created.  We had baby cousins, brothers, mums. dads,  grandads, grandmas and even a great grandma!  We all enjoyed it as you can see from our photographs!  A huge thank you to everyone who came.  
