School Blog


This half term, we are exploring Canada. We have been researching different animals, exploring landmarks and cities within Canada. We have been reading about Canada Day and writing are own sports commentaries. In Artis, we are learning, singing and writing world cup songs. Some of the children have brought in real pictures and souvenier of places in Canada because they have or know someone who lives there. This has been really helpful because it has taught us lot's of interesting facts. By Hollie and Issac

North America

A great way to start our North America topic with a flight to Jamaica,  children had their own passport and boarding card and our classroom turned into an aeroplane. Mrs Slate was even an airstewardess!

Children have been learning about the states of the United States and have been researching famous landmarks.  We are looking forward to reading the homework projects about one of the states of America.


We loved making our Easter nests. We followed a set of instructions so we knew what to do. They tasted delicious!

Spring Walk

The afternoon children had a fabulous time on their walk round the school spotting signs of Spring. 

Science Week

We loved joining in with Science Week. We tested materials to find which would be best for keeping the rain out. We looked at the difference between waterproof and not waterproof things. We absolutely loved our visit to the Science Fair! 

Volleyball Competition

Well done to the six children that represented the school on the 15th March at the School Games Volley-ball competition at New Charter Academy. The children showed fantastic determination and passion in the event. We are through to the finals which will take place on Wednesday 22nd March at Fairfield High School. Wish us luck!

Family of School's Conference

Year 3 had a fantastic day performing at the Family of School's conference at the AJ Bell Stadium in Salford in front of lot's of teachers, head teachers and deputy head teachers. The children did a brilliant job at remembering all of their actions and song lyrics! Well Done!


Year 4 have made some excellent robots for their homework projects. It's a really fun topic.

In groups children have made their own robotic dances up and even designed some robot masks.

In English children have written adverts and recorded videos to persuade people to buy their robots. Children have even used the computer to type and present their work.


Blog by Emma, Year 4 and Mrs Slate.
