School Blog

First Aid.

Blog by Emma.


Yesterday, Year 4 learnt how to put special plasters on and how to put bandages on. They also learnt what to do if somebody had collapsed, fainted or was seriously injured.

Learning to play the Clarinet.

Broadbent Fold Primary provides the opportunity for all Year 4 children to learn to play the Clarinet. Children even get chance to take their Clarinet home. We look forward to hearng lots of tunes!

Year 5's First Aid Training!

On Tuesday 27th September a lovely lady called Sandra from St. John Ambulance came in to our class to teach us First Aid. We started with Lily acting that she was in danger and we had to get the danger away.  We also checked for any blood  or poison.   In partners we then learnt how to put people into the recovery position and also how to deal with someone who is choking, or has fainted.  We also found out how to help someone with asthma if they are struggling with their breathing.  At the end we got into four groups and had to choose items to put into a First Aid Kit.

First Aid Training

Today, we did First Aid training with St John's ambulance. We learnt how to deal with cuts and how to put a badage on. We learnt that if someone is unconsious and they are bleeding, how to stop the bleeding. We need to use a jumper or a coat, NOT our hands. If someone is found unconsious we need to remember to follow: DRSABC. We really enjoyed it and would love to do some more first aid training!

Jigsaw Fun

We have all worked hard on our fine motor skills today. We have loved doing the jigsaws and really persevered even when we found them a little tricky!


We have made some fantastic necklaces with the beads today. We described the colour and shape of the beads we were using.

Nursery Fun

We have had a fantastic few weeks in Nursery. We have all settled in and we are very much enjoying learning in all our different areas.

Tag Rugby Teamwork!

For the past two weeks only, a number of Year 5 children have been attending the Tag Rugby after-school club.  Already they have improved their Tag Rugby playing tactics and have had the opportunity to share these with the rest of the class in our outdoor PE lessons.  This has improved their confidence and leadership skills.  Furthermore the rest of the class have displayed fantastic teamwork and I am extremely proud of them all!   Mrs Blomeley
