School Blog

Coming towards the end of 2016...

What a jam packed half term! We have been very busy this half term writing our own spooky stories, learning how to use speech marks and researching and creating a fact file about Modest Mussorgsky. We have been practising our typing skills and using a variety of punctuation in our writing. In Topic, we have been using atlas's to locate mountains, exploring with paint and creating mood art to a night on bare mountain. In Maths have been learning our division and multiplication facts for our 3, 4 and 8 times table and using rulers and scales to explore different types of measure.

It's Christmas

It's Christmas in Key Stage 1. We are all ready for our Christmas show "It's a Cracker". The children are very excited to perform for mummys and daddys. We can't wait to see you all there.

The Magic Starts Here!

Don't forget to come to our Year 4 magic show on Tuesday 13th December at 1:45pm. Sit back and be amazed by the children's very own magic show!

Creating Space in the Playground!


Year 5 have been learning about Earth and the Solar System this term.  They were given a task to create chalk pictures of the planets, making sure they were drawn to scale and placed in their position in relation to the Sun.  The children have learnt a mnemonic to help them remember this information: My Very Easy Method Just Speeds Up Naming (planets).  Mars, Venus, Earth, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.  They just about avoided a collision between Earth and Mercury but the results were very impressive!   Well done Year 5!  Mrs Blomeley

Gingerbread Man Maths

We have been throwing beanbags at the different numbers on the Gingerbread Man. We have been reading the number we hit and doing the correct amount of actions to match the number.

The Gingerbread Man

We have had lots of fun searching for the Gingerbread Man. We have made missing posters, paintings and discussed where we think he might be hiding.

Enjoying Spanish Weather in Year 5 !

Year 5 are enjoying learning about the Spanish words for different types of weather.  Senora Buckley is amazed by their fantastic memory skills and fabulous pronunciation.   They have done some fun activities including being a TV Weather Presenter and choosing items from a bag to descibe what weather you would use it for! We are hoping to say "Hace calor" (it is hot) rather than "Hace frio" (it is cold) this Christmas!   Mrs Blomeley

Marvellous Money!

Year 2 have been using money to add and subtract amount. They have thoroughly enjoyed manipulating coins and finding out totals and change from their shopping trips.
