School Blog

Is there anybody out there?

Welcome to Year 2! This half term our theme is 'Space.' We will be exploring the question ‘Is there anybody out there?’ We will be visiting Jodrell Bank and fully immersing ourselves in our learning. Do you know any famous astronauts? Do you know any facts about space? Is there anybody out there? 

Prefects 2023

Here our our new prefects for 2023 - they look a brilliant bunch. This group of pupils will show high standards of behaviour and reward this across school. 

Head Girl and Head Boy 2023

It is my pleasure to share Sam and Ruby have been appointed our new Head Girl and Head Boy. They will be ensuring pupils follow our values and support me in my role. What a super pair! 

Home Learning Autumn 1

Here is the home learning menu for Autumn 1 linked to our topic 'Where will your powers take you?'. You can earn a gold award for completing 8 pieces of homework, a silver award for 6 pieces and a bronze award for 4 pieces. Don't forget to upload your amazing work to Seesaw or complete it in your home learning book and send it into school. We cannot wait to see the fantastic things that you do!

Where will your powers take you?

Welcome to Year 1!

Our topic for Autumn 1 is 'Where will your powers take you?' where we learn all about superheroes and the UK. We will be having a visit from the local fire service and our very own superhero dress up day.

Please see the topic web below for more information about all the things your child will be learning this half term.

New to Year 4

I do hope you've all had a lovely summer holiday, and the children are raring for our first term in Year 4. This half term we are whizzing back in time to the Roman invasion of Britain. The children will be learning about the how and why the Romans invaded Britain and how they changed Britain. They will also be learning about key figures in history, Boudica and Julius Caesar.

Year 3 Autumn term information

Welcome to Year 3, where in the world will your ticket take you is our theme for Autumn 1.

We have a fun filled, busy half term ahead with our hook of pretending to go on a plane to fly around the world!!

We are looking forward to learning with a Geography focus. Children will learn and remember cities, and use atlases and maps to locate countries

In English, we will read and write postcards improving our knowledge of verbs and sentence structure.
