School Blog

Super Roman Reinactment

Year 4 had a surprise today as they were transformed into Roman soldiers. They had to collect their equipment, march around the field, get into the Testudo formation and attack a Celtic village. Fantastic role play. 

Autumn 1

This half term we will be sharing the story of 'The Little Red Hen'. We will baking bread, making pizza and looking for signs of autumn, I cannot wait! Please find attached the Medium Term Plan and Home Learning Grid for anyone wanting to do some additional learning. Please post your amazing work on seesaw so we can share it.

Mrs Tennant

Welcome to Nursery!

Welcome to our Nursery!

We have all enjoyed our first days at school. The children are settling in well and are enjoying exploring together in the new areas. I am so proud of them!

Mrs Tennant

Year 4 Awards

What a fantastic first week in Year 4 for the class. I was highly impressed by these 4 children and they received the first certificates and Good to be Green pencils. Well done. 

PE - Gymnastics

 Today in gymnastics, we have been exploring balance and agility. We discussed what agility and balance is and how we can demonstrate these in our lesson. We started off with a fun dinosaur warm-up and then we got out a range of apparatus and explored different ways of using the equipment showing good balance(s), agility and travelling.

The Romans

Year 4 have kicked off our Romans topic by finding out about the invasion and the spread of the Roman Empire. Here you can see how they used their geography skills to locate the countries that the Roman Empire invaded. 

Our ticket around the world

Today was very exciting, Year 3 had their passports and boarding pass ready as we pretended to go on a flight to Madrid.

We watched safety videos and learnt about countries in Europe.

