School Blog

Settling in

We have had a fantastic first few weeks in Reception. The children have all settled in so well; I am very proud!


Pupil Leaders worked with Mrs Parker today on our Anti-Bullying Policy. They had excellent ideas of how to prevent this happening in school. They also created support for if it does happen what to do. They said - Don't be a bully, be a buddy! 

Year 4 Diary Entries

Look at how fantastic some of our Year 4 diary writing is. The children didn't just imagine being Roman soldiers, but they wrote in chronological order explaining what they did and how they felt. I was highly impressed by the use of fronted adverbials. Well done everyone. 


The librarians have already started their roles so well. They have made sure the KS1 and KS2 libraries are tidy. They have organised lunch time boxes of reading books for children to read at lunch time. They also run a lunch time Library Club where they read, play games and make book marks.

They are all already wonderful! 

Broadbent Fold Girls Football Tournament

The Year 5 and 6 Broadbent Fold girls football team have had a great start to the year! They played in the Pokémon tournament against Flowery Field and St Mary's, Dukinfield winning both games 1-0. The girls showed great promise and have really developed their defensive skills . Well done girls!


Year 1 have been reading the Supertato book and had lots of fun making their very own Supertato's to save the day. Keep a look out for Evil Pea everyone!

People In Action

Year 4 started their first activity in learning how to draw people in action. They loved making their stick men come to life. 

Marvellous Maths

Year 4 have been working really hard at understanding numbers and their place value. Today, they had the opportunity to compare 5 digit numbers using the place value discs and place value dice. 
