School Blog

P.E - hockey

In todays hockey lesson, the class tried a new dribble called the Indian dribble. They also practiced passing the ball to their partner from a distance. We did really well!

Tameside High School Open Evenings

Over the next couple of weeks, the local high schools will have an Open Evening for children who may be considering moving there when they move up to Year 7. 

Here are some of the Open Evening dates: 

All Saints Catholic College - Wednesday 27th September- 6:30pm – 8:30pm

Audenshaw School - Thursday 5th October - 5:00pm – 7:00pm

Copley Academy - Wednesday 4th October- 5:00pm – 7:30pm

Denton Community College- Wednesday 27th September- 6:00pm – 8:00pm

Fairfield High School for Girls -Thursday 5th October-  6:00pm – 8:00pm

Awards in Year 5! Week ending 22.9.23

This week's Merits in Year 5 were awarded for being a kind and considerate friend, for fantastic, confident work in Maths and, of course, for following our school values of being Ready Respectful and Safe.  Our first Handwriting Certificate of the year was also awarded today for beautiful joined writing.  Miss Harvey was very impressed!  Well done everyone! Mrs Blomeley

handwriting Winners Autumn 1

Congratulations to our whole school handwriting winners in Autumn 1:

Nursery- Anya

Reception- Connie

Year 1- Esme

Year 2- Daisy

Year 3- Olivia

Year 4- Millie

Year 5- Orson

Year 6 - Evie

What a great start these children have made with their handwriting, presentation and motorskills. Keep it up!

Year 4 Fabulous Winners

What a bumper pack of certificates today for Year 4. We didn't just win the PE trophy but we had a handwriting winner, Mathletics certificates as well as Head teacher awards and Good to be Green pencils. Well done everyone. 
