School Blog

Year 5 at George Street Chapel!

As part of their Victorian Topic, "What was life like for Victorian children" Year 5 enjoyed travelling back in time to George Street Chapel in Oldham today!  They met families from the past who explained that life was tough for most Victorians.  Children had to work both inside and outside their homes without, of course, some of the inventions that were discovered during the Victorian era.  They enjoyed "washing day" and their time at school, followed by some creative activities in the afternoon such as making peg dolls, stained glass windows and handwriting with pen and ink!  Everyone con

Super Mosaic Designs

Year 4 have worked ever so hard to create their own mosaic tile. They manipulated, measured and scored the clay to create a 10x10 square tile. They then either engraved or embossed their pattern into the clay. I can't wait for them to be painted tomorrow. 

Take 10 to read for World Mental Health Day

Today to celebrate World Mental Health Day Year 6 joined in with a national campaign to promote the well-being benefits of reading by simply taking 10 minutes out of our day to read, relax and escape from the pressures and stresses of daily life.

It was a joy!

Broadbent Fold vs Our Lady’s

Our Year 5 and 6 boys football team had a tough match with a loss against Our Lady's in the Alan Millea cup. They showed great perseverance and did the school proud showing great sportsmanship throughout. Well done boys!

Step Inside Your Story

Step Inside Your Story- online event

Year 3 listened to authors and illustrators Robert Tregoning, Patrice Lawrence and Viviane Schwarz in a playful livestreamed session that inspired children to step inside their own stories and make zig-zag books.

Year 3 took part in the online event they:

  • Heard Robert and Patrice reading their books aloud. 

  • Watched as these fabulous authors create their own handmade concertina books and fill them with brand new stories about themselves 

Wellbeing Sticker Competition.

Please see our winning designs for the Wellbeing Shine Stickers! They all hold some important messages, in time for World Mental Health day tomorrow. The deisgns have been made into stickers and our Wellbeing Leaders will be using them around school.  

Sport Awards

We are very pleased to share that Broadbent Fold have achieved a gold award for engagement in sport and an award for commitment to sport. We are very proud of our sporting achievements, which can be viewed on our school blog. Well done to all our pupils and staff, especially Miss Mainprize who goes above and beyond for sport in our school.

Thank you

Cross Country Grand Prix Week 2

On Saturday, we had 14 KS2 pupils take part in the Cross Country Grand Prix. It was lovely to see some new faces taking part and some very determined pupils wanting to beat their positions from last week. Our Under 9 boys team came 5th this week and our Under 11 girls team came 3rd. Well done to everyone that took part!

Under 9 girls = Courtney 5th, Chloe 7th

Under 9 boys = Jacob 8th, Roman 26th, Noah 28th, Rayan 39th, Harry 42nd

Under 11 girls = Isabelle 9th, Matilda 16th, Isobel 30th, Ivy 35th, Phoebe 42nd

Under 11 boys = Sam 6th, Theo 17th

Awards in Year 5 - w/e 6.10.23

Year 5 won a whole class award this week for their fantastic hard work and behaviour during Bikeability!  They were amazing!  Other awards were given for amazing sketching of the famous astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus during Space Week, Good to be Green awards for being Ready, Respectful and Safe and, finally, for brilliant team work at our Bowling competition this week.  Well done everyone!  Mrs Blomeley
