School Blog

Jodrell Bank

Year 2 had the pleasure of visiting Jodrell Bank as part of our topic work and national space week celebrations. The children demonstarted excellent knowledge of space and the visit allowed their leasrnig to come to life.   The children learned about the importance of the sun and the moon. They explored the site and observed many experiments, this created awe and wonder for our little scientists. Did you know - If you stand on our playground, you can see Jodrell Bank from our school!

Jodrell Bank Trip

Year 2 had the pleasure of visiting Jodrell Bank as part of our topic work and national space week celebrations. The children demonstarted excellent knowledge of space and the visit allowed their leasrnig to come to life.   The children learned about the importance of the sun and the moon. They explored the site and observed many experiments, this created awe and wonder for our little scientists. Did you know - If you stand on our playground, you can see Jodrell Bank from our school!

Banksy inspired street art

We have created our own Banksy style pictures thinking about something which is important to us.

Maybe the real Banksy is a member of year 6???

Y6 Star of the week 7-10-23

Well done to Jake for his super space poem- I loved your creative skills this week. Macy was an excellent defender in our game of bench ball yesterday. 

Well done to our Good to be Green winners for being ready, respectful and safe this week.

Congratulations to the whole class for winning the Sport's award this week. 

Keith Haring street art

During our Art Week we have focused on street aritsts and we have created our own Keith Haring inspired artwork.

This is incredible Year 6! 

Marvellous Merits

Wow oh wow! What a fantastic week Year 4 have had. A brilliant trip, excellent home learning models and brilliant behaviour. Well done 

Space Poems

To celebrate National Poetry day and Space Week, Year 6 created some poems inpsired by the poem 'Wings' from Pie Corbett.

They are out of this world!

Our Trip to Chester

Year 4 had an amazing day in Chester on Monday. We explored Grosvenor Museum, reinacted battle formation and analysed artefacts. What an exceptional day out. 
