School Blog

National Poetry Day

Tooday we have celebrating National Poetry day listening and joining in on Michael Rosen’s ‘no breathing in class’ poem. The children found this poem really funny!

Panathlon Ten Pin Bowling Competition

Some of our Year 5 and 6 children had a great morning taking part in a Panathlon ten pin bowling competition. They showed great teamwork and were very supportive of one another's achievements. A special mention to Macy who got the first strike of the competition. Well done everyone, you did Broadbent Fold proud!

Bikeability Day 1 in Year 5!

What a great first day of Bikeability Year 5 has had!  They started with fitting their helmets properly and moved on to doing an "M" check on their bikes!  After practising their signalling and stopping skills, most of the class moved on to the roads in the afternoon to learn Primary and Secondary positions, as well as learning about T-junctions!  Back again for more tomorrow to hopefully complete their Bikeability 2 badges!  Fantastic behaviour from everyone concerned.  Well done Year 5!  I am very proud of you all!  Mrs Blomeley

Cross Country Grand Prix

What a great first week of cross country! Thank you to everyone who gave up their Saturday to come and it was lovely to see some new faces running. We had 5 pupils finishing in the top 10 including George who came 2nd in his race and our Under 11's girls team came 3rd.

Under 9 Boys = George 2nd, Noah 6th, Noah 20th

Under 9 Girls = Chloe 8th, Matilda 39th

Under 11 Boys = Sam 6th

Under 11 Girls = Isabelle 8th, Isobel 16th, Ivy 23rd, Faye 24th, Phoebe 33rd

Victorian Role Play !

Year 5 asked some sensible and interesting questions to various Victorian characters who they have met recently in their class texts.  They questioned Jim Jarvis and Rosie from "Street Child" as well as Jimmy Turton, whose job was a Trapper down the mine.  The class enjoyed delving further into the lives of these poor Victorians.  Mrs Blomeley

Space in the Year 5 Classroom!

Year 5 enjoyed putting their inflatable planets of the Solar System to good use last week!   As part of their Earth and Space topic, the class were able to identify and order the planets from their position to the Sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.  They also created their own Mnemonics to learn the order as well as presenting facts they had learnt about different planets to the class!  Very impresive Year 5!   Mrs Blomeley

Awards in Year 5 - week ending 29th September

 Well done to all our award winners this week! Headteacher's awards were presented for fantastic home learning and Science work on the Solar System and enthusiasm for sharing interesting artefacts from home!  Our Good to be Green awards, as always, were presented for being Ready, Respectful and Safe!  We also had two class members who achieved their Summer Reading Challenge certificates!  Great work everyone!
