School Blog

This week's SUPER stars are....

 Well done to the children who have received this weeks Head-Teacher and Good to be Green awards, super effort! Well done to the those children who have received their 'bronze' award for their star points, an excellent start to year 2, keep up the good work!

Wonderful Awards

A massive congratulations to our winners this week, we even had our first Bronze award in Year 4 too. Great work Year 4. 

Art in Key Stage 2!

Our Art Gallery in Key Stage 2 looks amazing with artwork from this half term!  Year 3 learnt about George Bridgetower - a famous violinist from Poland - and their sketches are brilliant!  Year 4, inspired by their Roman topic, created people in motion and produced some great Roman Soldiers!  Year 5 have been learning about the lives of poor Victorian children who had to work for a living.  They used the medium of charcoal to create their images of grubby chimney sweeps.  Year 6 have produced some fantastic work, inspired by street artists Keith Haring and Banksy.  We are very proud of our

Tag Rugby competition

We loved taking part in the tag rugby competition today with our A team coming 2nd and our B team coming 4th in our group. The A team won a match against Broadbent Fold B team, drew against Pinfold and lost to Aldwyn Primary School. Our B team also played against Aldwyn and Pinfold primary schools and were fantastic at tagging the other teams.  

Lots of tries were scored, lots of sliding in the mud and lots of fun by all. Well done everyone, you did Broadbent Fold proud! 

Wellbeing Wednesday

For World Mental Health Day we have explored growth mindset in Year 6. After talking about how we can train our brain to try and think more positively I set the class a tangram challenge. They had to use the shapes to create a selection of pictures. They did not give up! 

Tag rugby

We have been looking at different techniques for tag rugby and yesterday we started our first mini matches. 
