School Blog

Stone Age Outdoor Activities

Year 3 became hunter gathers, learning to throw bow and arrows (javelins) to kill the woolly mammoths, and aiming to collect berries. Mrs Anson kindly lit a fire so children could cook just like the Stone Age people would have done.

Art - Stone Age Cave Paintings

Year 3 have created their own cave painting using oil pastels and really enjoyed using their hands and fingers to blend in the colours, just like how a Stone Age artist would!

Did we used to be apes?

Our new topic is called 'Did we used to be apes?' This is an exciting topic where we explore inheritance and evolution. We have an upcoming science workshop where we look at evolution, fossils and skeletons. Please see the attached home learning grid for additional hom learning. Our new PE days are Wednesdays and Thursdays and suitable outdoor PE kits need to be worn. 

Autumn 2 Year 3 information

Year 3 Autumn 2

Year 3 are heading back in time to learn about The Stone age.

We have some wonderful learning experiences planned including being hunter gathers like Stone age people, making stone age necklaces.

Our class text is The Stone Age Boy.

Attached is our Medium Term Plan and Year 3's Autumn 2 Home Learning Grid.

We look forward to work being shared on Seesaw.

Why was London burning?

This half term, we will be exploring our topic question 'Why was London burning?' We will be reading 'Toby and the Great Fire of London' to find out about life back in 1966 and comparing it to London now. We will be exploring England’s capital city (London) and learning about how the emergency services have changed over time (focusing on Florence Nightingale - nursing and the fire service). We will be reading 'Samuel Pepys' diary and will be writing our own diary entries. Did you know that the fire was rumoured to have started in a bakery?

Home Learning Autumn 2

Here is the home learning menu for Autumn 2. We were so impressed by the standard of home learning last half term and cannot wait to see all the things you do this half term. Please remember to complete your homework in your home learning books or upload it to Seesaw. Remember you can get a bronze award for completing 4 pieces of homework, a silver award for 6 pieces and a gold award for completing all 8 pieces.
