School Blog

This week's super stars are....

Well done to this weeks award winners! You have really stood out this week for your behaviour for learning and effort. Well done to those children who have reached 50 star points this week and have achieved their bronze award. Keep up the hard work everybody!

Y6 Star of the week 17-11-23

Well done to our superstars Isabelle and Eva.

Isabelle is working hard in her maths lessons both in and before school and we are really pleased with her efforts.

Eva has been working hard to improve her writing and has created a super biography.

Congratulations to our good to be green winners this week.

We have 5 Bronze Award winners this week too! 

Year 4 Superstars

What a fabulous amount of Bronze award winners today in assembly, I'm highly impressed. A massive congratulations to all our winners in Year 4 this week. 

Den building and campfire donuts

After collecting their own firewood Year 5 designed and cooked delicious campfire donuts on the open fire. Everyone loved them especially the marshmallow and chocolate ones. What shall we cook next?

Fantastic den building and firewood chopping too! Everyone loved finding the extra long branches and climbing the trees. 

Y6 basketball

Year 6 are enjoying their basketbal sessions with Mr Williams. We have learned about the rules of travelling and a double dribble. We have practised different passes and cuts to confuse attackers during matches.

Our Sport's Award went to Amelia this week- well done!

Quicksticks hockey competition

Some of our Year 5 and 6 pupils braved the cold and rain tonight to take part in a hockey competition. Our development team learnt lots of new skills and played a game against another school. Our competitive team came 3rd in their group winning 2-1 against Milton St John's, drawing 0-0 with Pinfold and losing 3-1 to Micklehurst. Well done to everyone that took part!
