School Blog

This week's Superstars are...

Well done to this week's Head-teacher and Good to be Green winners! You have all worked extremely hard with your behaviour and efforts. Well done to all the children who got their bronze award (50 star points). A great achievement, keep up the good work!

Y6 Star of the week 10-11-23

Congratulations to our superstars Evie and Nathan.

They both work hard in lessons and are good role models in the class.

Well done to our good to be green winners this week.



Lest we forget

Today Year 6 watched a live assembly hosted by the National Literacy Trust about Armisitce Day and Remembrance. 

They were very respectful taking part in a minutes silence whilst making some lovely pictures to show their respect for people who have suffered due to conflict. 


Well done to these children who received a head teachers award and a good to be Green pencil! 

Game Changers

Well done to our new Game Changers who completed their training last night. They are going to help promote girls football as part of a national campaign to have equal access by 2024. They have some fantastic ideas already and are loving wearing their new hoodies.

Magistrates in the Community

Year 6 were joined by a local magistrate this week to learn about how the court systems work. The children took part in a quiz to test their knowledge and learn new information. We looked at how magistrate and crown courts are different. We found out that the 'Magna Carta' rule means we must be tried by our peers which is why magistrates are not legally trained. 

The class had lots of intersting questions and this fir teally well into our PSHE topic of being a good citizen.

Year 4 Pitch Lesson

Year 4 had a fabulous time experimenting with instruments to see which ones had the lower or higher pitch. They found out that the largest instruments made the lower pitch. It was great for them to try and work out why as well. 
