School Blog


Well done to these children who were awarded with a head teachers award and a good to be Green pencil today. 

Where will your space adventure take you?

This half term we will be celebrating Fabulous Festivals, Space and Christmas. We have lots of exciting things planned and maybe a special visit from Father Christmas! Please click on read more to see the Medium Term Plan and Home Learning Grid for Autumn 2.

Y6 Star of the week 3-11-23

Our superstars this week are Oliver and Ella.

Well done Oliver for your great confidence and skill at using long division. You have really impressed me this week.

Ella leaves us today to move to a new primary school and we all wish her lots of luck.

Our good to be green winners are Mia and Holly for always following the school values. 

Year 4 Superstars

A massive congratulations to our superstars this week. I'm really impressed by all the bronze winners already. Keep up all the hard work Year 4. 

R.E - Rangoli patterns (Diwali)

Year 4 have created Rangoli patterns inspired by Diwali. Rangoli patterns are colourful and bright designs made on the floor by the entrance of a house to welcome visitors. During Hindu festival of Diwali, people create these eye-catching patterns to encourage the goddess Lakshmi to enter their homes and to keep away evil spirits. 

Stone Age Necklaces

Year 3 loved designing Stone Age necklaces in their art books. These designs were used to make Stone Age neckl out of model magic.

Some very creative designs - fantastic learning in Year 3.

Year 5’s busy first Forest School session

Year 5 had a fabulous, busy forest school session this week. They played their favourite game Closer, Closer then did lots of different activities such as den building, making conker necklaces, bug hunting and making some delicious cakes, magic potions and filtering water in the mud kitchen. They all enjoyed relaxing in the hammocks too! Well done everyone. 

Science - Autumn leaves art

Year 1 went out to collect some autumn fallen leaves and sticks and created art work for their science lesson today. Their creations were amazing! 

Can you hear me?

Year 4 have started their Science work on Sound this week and have been learning all about how sound is made and how it travels. They had an exciting afternoon today when they made string telephones to demonstrate how sound waves can travel from one object to another. This was a fantastic learning opportunity to find out about Alexander Graham Bell and to create a fair test to see if it was easier to hear someone with a tight or loose string or a short or long one. Great work Year 4. 
