School Blog

Pupil Leader Discussions

We discussed clubs at lunchtimes and after-school. They told me that we had plenty of sports but wanted - bakery, chess, computing, drawing, singing and games clubs. Our leaders will take charge of these in autumn 2. 

Broadbent Fold vs St Mary’s Catholic

The first football match of the week saw Broadbent Fold girls team play St Mary's Catholic Primary School with a final score of 2-4. There were some brilliant defensive skills and teamwork throughout the match. A big thank you to Mia for stepping up to play for the team last minute when a couple of our usual players couldn't make it. 

Cross Country Grand Prix Week 3

It was the third and final week of the cross country this Saturday and it certainly was feeling more like cross country weather but that didn't stop the pupils from Broadbent Fold. We had some amazing results with children knocking a minute off their time from previous weeks, pupils finishing in higher ranked positions and we even had George win the Under 9 boys race! It was lovely to see the Broadbent Fold community come together with pupils and parents all cheering on and supporting children in the different races.

Year 6 unique talent talks

As part of our topic, How are we unique?' year 6 have had the chance to share their talents and hobbies with the class. Today we have had it all from swimming and painting to singing and making animal noises. 

What a talented bunch! I am looking forward to seeing the rest of the class over the week. 

Fire Safety Talk for Bonfire Night

Today Stalybridge Fire Service visited Year 6 to talk to us about fire safety ahead of Bonfire Night. We discussed the rules for bonfire night and using sparklers and fireworks. We also found out how devastating hoax calls can be, especially around this time of the year.

We then had the chance to look at the life of a firefighter. Macy and Evie dressed up in all of the fire gear. We then had a go at spraying the hose! 

Linking Schools Project

Year 3 are very exciting to be starting The Linking Schools Project.

The process supports all children to build connections with others as they undertake an exciting, learning journey together with their class. 

The key areas focused on are:

'Who am I ?'

'Who are we?'

'Where do we live?'

On display we have our Linking School's jumper and our Broadbent Fold jumper we've exchanged them as the first part of our journey.

Coming soon....bunting made my our Linking School!


Awards in Year 5 - w/e 13.10.23

Well done to all of Year 5 who won a class award this week for their fantastic work and impeccable behaviour during our visit to George Street Chapel on Tuesday, which consolidated our learning about the Victorians!  We are very proud of all of you!  Other awards were given for amazing enthusiasm towards their work, both in and out of school, and for being Ready, Respectful and Safe!  Great work!  Mrs Blomeley

Y6 Star of the week 13-10-23

Well done to Ethan for your incredible attitude towards your maths work. You arew working so hard. Faye has explored the life of Rosa Parks and has completed some great work about her.

Our good to be green winners are Ella and Isabelle for being green all week.

Well done everybody!


Well done to these children who won todays head teacher awards, good to be Green pencils, and a swimming badge!
