School Blog

Fabulous Year 4

Well done to all our award winners in Year 4 this week. There were lots of awards given out. Fantastic work Year 4. 

Y6 Evolution Workshop PM

Yesterday Year 6 had a go at being palaeontologists sorting and classify different fossils and minerals. We looked at a huge range of fossils including mammoth hair, fossilised poo and even a megalodon tooth. Please have a look at Mr B's free website with more fossils to explore:

Amazing Capital Cities Games

Year 4 have worked cooperatively to complete the countries jigsaw. It look a lot of stamina and knowledge to find the capital cities to match the countries. Well done Year 4. Congratulations to Toby, Logan, Sophia and Chloe who finished first and got to write a quiz for the class. 

Year 6 Evolution Workshop AM

We have had a fun-packed morning in our science workshop. We found out more about the theory of evolution and how humans have evolved- Jake made a great homo australopithecus with his cute monkey face. We played a few 'survival of the fittest' games to fully understand Darwin's theory of natural selection. We then recapped on the names of the human skeleton and talked about how homo sapiens can complete many different tasks which other animals cannot. We then had a PE session to put on a show as the best human specimens we could be.

Planting new vegetable seeds

In Gardening Club we have sown some seeds ready for the spring. We are looking forward to tasting our coriander, radishes and sprouts. Next week we will plant some more vegetables to make some vegetable soup. 

Year 1 and 2 Freddy Fit

Year 1 and 2 loved having a session with Freddy Fit. They did lots of aerobic exercises to get their pulse rate up, learnt all about the importance of eating healthy and developed some team work and leadership skills in a special challenge.

This week's super stars are....

Well done to this weeks Head-teacher and Good to be Green awards! Thank you for putting in 100% effort into your work/behaviour. Well done to the children who have reached 50 star points and have received their 'bronze' award. Well done! Keep up the hard work! 

Handwriting Awards Autumn 2 2023

Well done to our Autumn 2 handwriting winners! You have been awarded with your handwritng pencil and certificate for your amazing, neat presentation or for great effort and improvement in your handwriting.

Our winners are: Nursery- Florence, Reception- Artem, Y1- Meghan, Y2- Hallie, Y3- Eva, Y4- Jorge, Y5- Aubrey, Y6- Isobel

All of their wonderful handwriting has been proudly displayed outside Mrs Parker's room. 


Well done to these children who received a good to be Green pencil, head teacher awards and a handwriting award! 

Y6 Star of the week 24-11-23

Well done to our stars Aoife and Lexi who have been working hard in PE and maths lessons this week.

Our Green winners are Macy and Lucy.

Isobel won the Handwriter Award in Year 6 this half term.

Jake won the Sport's Award from coach Mr Williams.
