School Blog

Fire lighting success!

The children in the Year 5 loved lighting their mini fires. It was quite tricky but they showed their fantastic resilience skills and didn't give up! Super den building and Santa making too, 

Urban Extreme Dance Fest

KS2 pupils took part in the Urban Extreme Dance Fest on Wednesday. They have been working very hard perfecting their street dance routine in their afterschool club on a Friday and they came an amazing 4th place! Their routine was jam packed with skills including the worm and forward walkovers; there were lots of solo and duet sections and many great transitions into different formations. They also got the trophy for the best team spirit and were very encouraging of each other in the preperation for the competition and also of other schools on the competition day. Well done everyone! 

Sport's Ambassadors take over...

Today the Year 6 Sport's Ambassador delivered the PE lesson. They played a few warm up games and then organised the class into teams to play bench football.

They are all great leaders! 
