School Blog

Cracking Non - Chronological Reports

I am super proud of the non- chronological reports that the children have completed this half term. It's been a challenge to write about the geographical features, location and famous landmarks of a country in formal English. However, the children have worked their socks off and produced some fantastic reports. Well done Year 4. 

Year 4 Homework

I've been highly impressed by Year 4's homework this half term. All the children have shared a winter poem and information about a country of their choice. Their speaking and listening skills have really improved because of having to stand up and read in front of the class. I also love our winter trees that the children were challenged to make this week. Good job Year 4. 

Bronze Award Treat

All of Year 6 have achieved their Bronze Award for collecting 50 star points. To celebrate they had a class treat today watching a movie with a drink and a snack. Perfect!


December News from Tameside Libraries

December news from Tameside Libraries

Tameside Library are running a Winter Mini Challenge -perfect for keeping children reading during the Christmas holidays! The challenge is all online so it’s easy for children to sign up and read any books they have at home as well as borrowed from the library, and library ebooks and euadiobooks from Borrowbox count for the challenge too!

Christmas has come early!

Thank you so much to Rayner Stephens for their Christmas present donations. These have gone to families in need and will be truly well received. Special thanks to Mr Storie for organising and dropping off the gifts. 


Building castles

Year 1 have been working really hard in their Design and Technology lessons where their challenge was to research, design and create a castle that could hold weights. They showed excellent teamwork and really worked together to make sure their castles were strong aswell as looking appealing. Which group's castle do you like the best?

Year 1 and Year 6 Santa Dash

Year 1 and Year 6 had a great time taking part in the Santa Dash on Friday - even Mrs Parker took part! They showed fantastic perseverance and teamwork and their were some amazing Christmas outfits too! A big thank you to the sports leaders who helped to run the event, you were amazing!
