School Blog

Making Bird Feeders

Making fabulous bird feeders ready for the RSPB Big Schools Birdwatch and playing the Sparrow Hawk game to keep nice and warm. 

Active Body, Active Mind

We worked collaboratively this morning to successfully complete different team games.

This afternoon, as well as practising our yoga techniques we also discussed emotions and worked in groups to act out an emotion using only our body language and facial expressions.

Healthy Body Healthy Minds

Year 3 are very lucky to experience the Healthy Body, Healthy Minds sessions which work on team building, and how communicating is important in team work. Children have been taught that to be healthy we all need to exercise.

The second session of Healthy Body, Healthy Minds focuses on relaxing using techniques such as yoga and ways to control emotions. 

These sessions are taking place each Thursday at Broadbent Fold.

Design Technology in Year 3

Design Technology in Year 3.

Children first learnt in Geography about Earthquakes, they planned and designed how to make an earthquake proof building.The designs were amazing hardly any fell apart! 

Maybe future engineers could be the ideal job for Year 3.

Year 4 Detectives

Year 4 turned into super detectives this afternoon in search of the truth behind the disappearances of boats and planes in The Bermuda Triangle. They were engrossed with the clues and were able to match up clues and theories to try and explain the crashes. What a great detecting afternoon.

Historians at work

This week we looked at a selection of artefact images about Vikings around the room and had to use the clues to prove statements that you may find in history books about Vikings. We discovered that Vikings did not have horned helmets and they traded materials world-wide!

Shape in Maths

In Maths today, we worked in small groups to match 3D shapes to their names and number of edges in a fun, practical activity. This helped us to do our independant work and explore faces too. 

Local Geography - Where in the world do we live?

This week, we have been exploring 'Where in the word do we live?' We used Google Earth on the ipads to explore our local area and identify key features, making links between what we can see from above and what we see on the ground using the street view. We then used an ariel print out of our school and the local community to identify as many features that we could. We loved using Google Earth! 

Dodgeball skills

Year 3 have started the year very energetically with learning dodgeball skills.

Throughout their PE lessons they have been learning how to successfully dodge the ball. They are improving their throwing and passing skills.

