School Blog

Dukinfield Youth Football Club

Today, Dukinfield Youth Football club visited us to do a taster session and promote their club and healthy lifestyles. The children took part in a number of activities working and developing their co-ordination, balll control, speed, balance and team work. Good job everyone! 

Who wouldn't want to talk in class?

As part of our current genre of Persuasive Writing, Year 5 took some time out to play "Think, Pair, Share", telling each other different rhetorical questions!  For those who don't know, rhetorical questions do not need an answer in response!  They will be using this feature of writing in their own persuasive letters soon and this activity will help with their ideas!  Well done Year 5!  Mrs Blomeley

Awards in Year 5 - w/e 12.1.24

Year 5 have made a great start to the new year and our new topic!  Awards were given this week for being helpful in class and being a great friend to everyone as well as fantastic enthusiasm and knowledge about our topic, "Why should the world's Rainforests matter to all of us?"  Good to be Green awards were given for following our school rules of being Ready, Respectful and Safe and, for achieving 100 Star Points, some children received their Silver certificates and badges!  Well done to you all!  Mrs Blomeley

This week's award winners are...

Well done to this weeks Head-Teacher and Good to be Green award winners. You have really stood out with both your behaviour and learning this week. Well done to those children who received their silver star points award (100 points) and outstanding achievement especially at this point in the year. Keep up the hard work everyone!

Marvellous Music

The children had a treat today in music when Mrs O'Leary brought her accordion into school. She used it to accompany the children when they were playing , This Old Man. They are becoming really quite proficient and it sounded wonderful with the accordion's accompaniment.

Reading Ambassador Book Reviews

Well done to our Reading Ambassadors who have all created a book review to display in out KS2 Library. They were asked to make a book review by Tameside Libraries to promote reading across the school. These will be shared on the Tameside Library social media accounts. 

Can you make a book review for our library? Tell us why you like the book, what it is about, who else will enjoy it and give it a star rating out of 5. 

Y6 Star of the week 12-1-24

Congratulations to Reiss for her wonderful reading and Luca for his exceptional maths work this week.

Ruby and Summer won the Good to be Green Award.

Evie is the first person to win their Silver Award.

