School Blog

What A Workshop

Oh wow! The children have been so engrossed in the Crumble Coding Workshop this morning. They have made Sparkles, which were our traffic lights, change colour by linking up Crumble kits and writing algorithms and code to control them. They have been so good at listening and following instructions, that Dom and Liz were impressed. A great morning Year 4, well done. 

Awards in Year 5 w/e 19.1.24

Awards in Year 5 this week were given for fantastic work in Maths, by mastering the concept of finding common denominators in Fractions and for being an amazing helper and friend!  Good to be Green awards were presented for following our school rules of being Ready, Respectful and Safe!  Keep up the great work everyone!  Mrs Blomeley

Hot chocolate and birds nests

In Forest school this week we found lots of ice sculptures, played the icicle game, made some birds nests and warmed up with some delicious hot chocolate.


Well done to these children for receiving a head teachers award, a good to be Green pencil, and Mathletics certificates! 

Year 6 Star of the week

Congratulations to Isobel for being a fabulous role model and friend to all and Theo for his amazing maths work!


Ruby and Amelia won the Good to be Green award!


Well done!

Dodgeball competition

Dodge, dip, duck, dive and dodge! Some of our Year 5 and 6 pupils took part in a dodgeball competition with one of our teams coming 4th in their group and the other coming 1st and progressing to the final. Games were played against Yew Tree, St Mary's C.E., Cannon Burrows and Dowson. Well done everyone! You did Broadbent Fold proud!

The Magical Snow Garden

We have been sharing the story of a penguin who wanted to make a magical garden. The children have really enjoyed the story and created some fantastic penguins. Great job, Nursery.
