School Blog

Handwriting Winners Spring 1 2024

Congratulations to our Handwriting Champions who have been selected to win the award this half term for either their great handwriting and presentation or for their improvement.

Our winners are:

Nursery- Josef, Reception- Oli, Y1- Minnie, Y2- Aston, Y3- Marshall, Y4- George, Y5- Evie-Mae, Y6- Eva

As you can see their work is proudly on display at the front of school for all to see.

Children's Mental Health Week and E-Safety

Children’s Mental Health Week will take place from 5-11 February 2024. The theme this year is ‘My Voice Matters’. My Voice Matters is about empowering children and young people by providing them with the tools they need to express themselves.

This year, we want to empower children of all ages, backgrounds and abilities to work together to create a positive change for their mental health and wellbeing. Our aim is for Children’s Mental Health Week, we want all children and young people to be able to say – and believe - “My Voice Matters.”

Home Learning Projects

Well Year 4, you've surpassed all expectations with our mystery cake design. I was so very impressed by your cakes- they are so realistic. I am so pleased that you enjoyed making, creating and obviously eating them. A fabulous job- well done everyone, especially those family and friends who helped too. 

Glow Dodgeball

Our Year 3 and 4 pupils loved taking part in the Glow Dodgeball competition this week. It was most of the pupils first time representing school and they were all so excited! They showed great sportsmanship, encouraged each other and worked well as a team. Great job everyone!

Cross country Primary Championships

Last weekend, Broadbent Fold had a fantastic cross country championships where we had 4 runners selected to represent Tameside in the Greater Manchester cross country championships. Everyone cheered each other on and showed great determination in their races - one pupil even lost their shoe and carried on the race! We are so proud of all the runners that took part!

Year 3/4 girls = Courtney 3rd, Chloe 6th, Amelia 10th, Ella 13th, Reeva 22nd, Lois 23rd

Year 3/4 boys = George 2nd, Jacob 3rd, Dominic 7th, Noah 24th, Harry 25th

"The Explorer" Year 5 taste fruit of the Rainforest!

As part of their Rainforest Topic, and to enhance their reading of our class text,"The Explorer", Year 5 enjoyed tasting a variety of fruit on Friday!  In the book, the characters have just discovered pineapples, after eating grubs to survive!  On offer were pineapples, blueberries, lychee, kiwi fruit and mango.  Most children tried them all and rated them, with a view to persuading others to eat them (or not!)   Even Mr Foley tried lychee for the very first time! He rated it 5/10!   Mrs Blomeley

Awards in Year 5 w/e 2.2.24!

Well done to our Award winners in Year 5 this week!  Headteacher's certificates were given for fantastic persuasive letter writing in English and amazing work in mastering Fractions in Maths! Good to be Green awards were given to those who have followed our School rules all week of being Ready, Respectful and Safe.  We also had this half term's Handwriting Award winner, as well as those who had worked hard on Mathletics to gain their Bronze certificates!  Fantastic work everyone!  Mrs Blomeley


Well done to our Stars Amelia and Ruby and "Good to be Green" winners Oliver and Sam.

Congratulations to Eva for winning this half term's Handwriting award.

National story telling week

This week is National Story Telling week. The children have listened to their favourite poem ‘no breathing’ by Michael Rosen and the children were introduced to a Pirate book ‘Pirates love underpants.’ The children have had opportunities to independently and together share pirate stories. Happy story telling week everyone!

This week's Super Stars are....

Well done to this weeks award winners (Head-Teachers, Good to be Green and Handwriting) . Year 2 also received the sports award this week for their super work in dance. Well done to the two children who have been busy at their after-school clubs achieving awards in swimming and dancing. Keep up the good work everybody!
