School Blog

Fantastic Year 4

A massive congratulations to all our award winners today. What a great way to end the half term. I hope everyone has a fabulous holidays and we'll see you on the 19th February. 

Science at Rayner Stephens

Today, Year 3 visited Rayner Stephens for a Science lesson all about forces.

Children listened ever so well and enjoyed taking part in a range of investigations all linked to forces. 


Lighting Up The World

What a fantastic way to finish our mysteries topic with a brilliant design and technology project. The children had to make and create a lighthouse. This was incorporaging their science skills and knowledge of electrical circuits with the story of the Missing Lighthouse Men. I was very impressed by their finished product. Great work Year 4. 

AI assembly

We watched a really interesting online assembly today as part of Safer Internet Day.

It explained what artificial intelligence and how probably already use it our daily lives. We then explored how different jobs for the future use AI such as writing and art.

Heart dissection at Rayner Stephens

Year 6 had a great time at Rayner Stephens today. The science teacher was really impressed with their knowledge of the circulatory system. They dissected a lamb's heart and tried to label the four chambers and blood vessels.

Greater Manchester Cross Country Championships

We are very proud of the 4 Broadbent Fold pupils that represented Tameside in the Greater Manchester Cross Country Championships at the weekend. It was a great achievement to be selected! Well done everyone!

Under 11 boys: George 73rd, Sam 89th, Jacob 94th

Under 11 girls: Matilda 90th

Pirate day!

Today, Year 2 came to school dressed as PIRATES! The children enjoyed taking part in a variety of pirate-themed cross-curricular activities including; creating their pirate names, writing onomatopoeia pirate poems on the computers, reading / writing and plotting co-ordinates in a first quadrant, putting pirate words in alphabetical order to help us use dictionaries and thesauruses, played battleships, used a 3D net to make treasure chests, learn how to talk like a pirate and singing a sea shanty song.

Ai live interactive assembly for Online Safety Day

Children watched a live Online Lesson about Artificial Intelligence. We learnt there are lots of interesting jobs involving artificial intelligence after all computers don't have emotions like humans so humans are often needed. 


AI is where computers are able to copy intelligent things that humans can do, like being able to read, write, learn and be creative.

AI can't think for itsel, it learns from information on the computer.


How do you use AI in your daily life?
