School Blog

Year 3 Spring 2 term

Year 3 Spring 2 information is attached.

An exicitng time ahead, learning all about the counties that The Iron Man may visit.

Reading this fantastic story which will improve Year 3's fluency in reading. We will also be doing Art and Design Technology lessons based on The Iron Man.

In this term also there will be a science week with loads of fun activities.

We will meet our Schools' Linking Project school- Lum Head Primary School.

Spring 2

Hello Nursery,

I hope you had a lovely and fun filled holiday. This half term we are Walking Through The Jungle!

Please find attached the Medium Term Plan and Home Learning Grid for anyone wanting to do some additional learning (this is entirely optional).

Mrs Tennant

House Team Winners

A huge congratulations to Team Sapphire, who have won the House Cup and will recieve non-uniform day on Friday 23rd February. The team scored a huge 853 points! Well done. 

Where would be be without the BEE?

This half term we will be busy buzzing about BEES! Keep watching our blog / class Seesaw to see what exciting things we get up to over the half term, especially our exciting hooks/experiences that will bring our learning to life.PE will take place every Wednesday and Thursday afternoon. Please ensure your child has an indoor (pumps for Invasion Games and Gymnastics) and outdoor (warm with trainers) PE kit in school, in a clearly labelled bag. In Science this half term, we will be exploring the topic ‘Plants’ and investigating which plants we and Bees need to survive.

Home Learning Spring 2

Here is our home learning for this half term all linked to our topic 'How does your garden grow?'. Please remember to complete tasks in your home learning book and send them into school or upload them to Seesaw. Remember completing all 8 pieces of homework earns you a gold award, 6 pieces earns you a silver award and 4 pieces earns you a bronze award. We cannot wait to see all the brilliant things that you do! 

How does your garden grow?

In Spring 2, our topic is 'How does your garden grow?'. We will be learning all about plants, the environment and Beatrix Potter. We will even go on a trip to our local park Gorse Hall. For more information regarding what we are learning about this half term, please see the MTP below.

Y4 Spring Term 2

I do hope you've all had a fabulous February half term holiday, and the children are raring for the new term in Year 4. This half term starts off with our Tudors Topic. The children will be inspired by our Diver's Daughter class text and finding out about the royal family in the Tudor times.  This learning will be enhanced by our science topic of Digestion and Teeth, which links nicely to our DT project, where we will be making Tudor pottage.  Inspiring, home learning projects of making a Tudor building will really put their creative mind to the test as well. 

