School Blog

Active Bodies, Active Minds in Year 5!

Year 5 had a real treat this week with a team building session from Vicky at Active Tamesde.  The children used their communication skills in various activities and achieved some tasks that they first thought were impossible!  Vicky was really impressed with the class; their behaviour was impeccable!  Well done Year 5!  Mrs Blomeley

Awards in Year 5 we 9.2.24

We had so many Award winners in Year 5 this week!  Headteacher's certificates were given to the whole class for fantastic persuasive writing and for a brilliant creative homework presentation!  This half term's Vocabulary Ninja winner and a Silver certificate for achieving 100 Star points were also awarded together with Good to be Green awards that were given to those who have followed our School rules all week of being Ready, Respectful and Safe.

Futsal competition

Some of our Year 5 and 6 girls took part in a futsal festival. It was many of the girls first time playing futsal and we learnt how it was different to playing football. We had lots of fun and were very excited to be the first ones to wear the new kit! We played games against Yew Tree, Manchester Road, Oasis, Greenside and Oakfield. A special well done to Evie who was the player of the festival for our school. Great job girls, well done!

Design an England shirt winners

As part of Schools Football Week, pupils were tasked with designing their own England top. The Sports Council were tasked with the hard job of choosing the winning entries. We had over 100 entries so well done to those pupils who won!!

Year 1 - Vanessa 

Year 2- Emmie

Year 3 - Bella

Year 4 - Kai and Jorge

Year 5 - Isla and Lottie

Year 6 - Isobel

Multisports Panathlon Competition

Some of KS2 pupils took part in a multisports panathlon competition and came 3rd overall. They took part in lots of activities which tested their aim through curling, bowling, basketball and many more activities. Well done to everyone that took part!

Victorious Vikings!

Year 6 have had such a great day today, we are super impressed with all the children's hard work and effort creating some amazing projects!

Well done Year 6, have a Class compliment from us!

Super Stars!

Well done!Isabelle for writing an amazing Viking story and to Macy for being good friend to everyone!Matilda and Luca for being Green all week and Mia for being our Vocab Ninja winner. 

Children’s Mental Health Week

The theme of Children's Mental Health Week is Every Voice Matters. We talked about our proud moments at school and at home then we made some phones. We used the phones to show the importance of listening carefully to each other. Well done everyone! 

This week's super stars are....

Well done to this weeks Head-Teacher, Good to be Green, Vocabulary Ninja and silver star points award (100 star points) winners. Well done to the children who received their bronze, silver and gold award for their creative home learning. Well done everyone!
