School Blog

Reception MTP and Home Learning

Here is our meduim term plan for this half term.  We will be learning all about Africa and why it is so amazing.  

There is also an optional home learning grid for anyone wanting to complete some additional challenges.

Mrs Kleban

Disgusting Digestion

Year 4 were aghast today at the first lesson about digestion. I don't think they could believe their ears or eyes when we started talking about eating, digesting and excreting food. They were quite grossed out by the videos of digested and excreted food but used this knowledge when it came to labelling up the digestive system in lots of different ways. Fantastic work Year 4. 

Relaxation in Year 4

A lovely yoga session was had by Year 4 today. They practiced stretching, meditation, transferring energy and several different poses-mountain, moon, clouds, butterfly, happy baby and the aeroplane.  A really good try Year 4. 

Rugby Year 3

Year 3 enjoyed playing games that improved their rugby skills, passing and catching a rugby ball is not easy but with a positive mindset they've learnt they can improve.

Terrible Tudors

Year 4 have a fantastic afternoon researching the Terrible Tudors. They have been aghast at how many people were beheaded, how many wives, Henry VIII had and how many rebellions there were. What a great start to the new topic. 
