School Blog

Royal Portraits

Year 4 have worked ever so hard drawing portraits of Henry VIII's wives. They had a short tutorial and practised drawing faces,  ensuring the facial features were evenly spaced. I'm sure you would agree with me, that they are fabulous. 

Imaginative iMotion

Year 4 had a fabulous time experimenting with their first steps into movie making. They used the programme iMotion to capture movement with many random objects and then went onto experiment with writing their name in 100 frames. The children had a fabulous time learning new skills. 

Year 3 and 4 Futsal competition

Our Year 3 and 4 girls were very excited to take part in the futsal competition last week. They played games against Manchester Road, Yew Tree, Oakfield and Greenside. A special well done to Matilda and Chloe who got medals for being players of the tournament. The girls loved taking part and were all keen to play some more futsal in the future. Also a big thank you to all the families that came down to support and for making a big sign to cheer on the girls. 

Planting beans

We loved planting our beans and are excited to watch them grow. We made predictions for which on we thought would grow the best- in the dark, with water and sunlight or with no water. Let's see what happens!

Year 5 - Spring Term 2 - Why should the world's rainforests matter to all of us?

Welcome back to Spring Term 2 in Year 5 where our topic "Why should the world's rainforests matter to all of us?" continues, in our attempt to explore the impact of climate change.  This term we will focus on presenting an assembly to Key Stage 2,  to impart Year 5's new found knowledge about this growing problem.  We will explore Greta Thunberg's book about her own efforts to help the planet and we will continue to read the award winning novel "The Explorer" by Katherine Rundell.  The class will write their own adventure narratives about

Scientific Discussions in Year 5!

Year 5 had some intelligent and in depth discussions this week to look at the stages of child development in our Life Cycles topic in Science. For instance, at what age would a child start to recognise sounds in words?  Or when would they read a range of books independently?  They used their knowledge of themselves or their younger and older siblings to decide.  This is an example of Science Capital - what you know about scientific literacy and your related knowledge.  Brilliant work Year 5!  Mrs Blomeley

Year 5 get Creative!

Year 5's Creative Homework Presentations were amazing!  They all chose an endangered animal to research and then delivered their presentations in class!  They ranged from power points to hand made posters, with a Herules Beetle cake thrown into the mix!  Year 5's presenting and listening skills were so impressive and we all learnt so much!  Thank you and well done everyone!  Mrs Blomeley

Awards in Year 5 w/e 23.2.24

Awards this week were given for fantastic, fluent reading and being an amazing, enthusiastic role model in Year 5!  Good to be Green awards for following our school rules and Silver certificates and badges were also awarded for achieving 100 Star Points!  Finally we had a few Mathletics certificates for achieving great results on Mathletics!  Well done everyone!  Mrs Blomeley

Sean Perkins visit

We met author and illustrator Sean Perkins today who read us his book 'Ben and Oscar birthday party' 

He was very creative and used sound effects to narrate his story. We even enjoyed a sing song with his guitar to finish.

Please remember that you can order one or both of his signed books. Bring in your slip and money next week.

Award Winners

Congratulations to Sam and Amaze this week. Sam created a very emotional poem about a migrant based on our book 'The Arrival' Amaze is new to the class and has made an outstanding start to his time in year 6.

Our Good to be Green winners are Eva and Isobel.

Congratulations to all of our Silver Award winners too!
