School Blog

Safe Squad in Y6

Today we had some great discussions with Safe Squad about online and personal safety. The children know about how to protect themselves by not sharing personal information online and using strong passwords. They discussed cyberbullying and how to use social media appropriately. We looked at the age recommentations for apps like Tik Tok and WhatsApp- did you know the recommended age for using WhatsApp is 16?

Active Body, Active Mind

The class are getting much better at using communication in the team building games to complete their challenges. In our yoga session we had to work with a partner to complete different poses. We then learned how to do feather meditation which was very relaxing.

Circulatory System

This week to consolidate our understanding of how the circulatory system works we had to make a live reinactment in groups. The children had to explain the process using scientific vocabulary- this will hopefully help us to identify parts of the heart when we do some dissection at Rayner Stephens soon. 

Battle Royale

For Wellbeing Wednesday this week we let off some steam by attacking our opponents in a Blooket Game called 'Battle Royale'. 

This was a lot of fun and our victor was Jake- well done. 

The RSPB Big Schools’ Bird Watch

In Forest School today we carried out the RSPB Big Schools' Bird Watch. Everyone was very excited about finding different birds and we even found a trail of soft, fluffy white feathers. We played in the hammock and played What's the time Mr Wolf?

Sportshall Athletics competition

Lots of fun was had at the sportshall athletics competition tonight with Years 5 and 6. Excellent throwing, jumping and running from everyone and amazing team spirit throughout. Well done everyone, you did our school proud!

Exciting Electricity

What an amazing lesson today when the children explored the electrical equipment in school. They worked together to make a bulb, motor and a buzzer work. How fantastic!

Play leader training

A big thank you to Geoff who came in to work with our Year 6 sports leaders today in developing their play leader duties with KS1 at lunchtimes. They worked together to create some activities that they can't wait to try. They trialled them with some Year 1 pupils today. Great job everybody and fantastic leadership skills!

Year 5's Crumble Coding Computer Workshop!

Year 5 were amazing in the Crumble Coding Workshop yesterday!  They followed the instructions perfectly to produce a piece of wearable tech to use in their exploration of the Rainforest!  Year 5's ideas were brilliant, ranging from helping them to see in the dark, to actually attracting Poison Dart Frogs with their self-designed caps, belts or wristbands!  Their behaviour and listening skills were fantastic and we were so impressed!  Thank you to Don and Liz for all your help - we really enjoyed the session!  Mrs Blomeley and Ms Wagstaff.
