School Blog

Active Body, Active Mind

Last week Year 6 started their Active Body, Active Mind sessions with Active Tameside. In the morning they looked at team building games and the importance of working collaboratively. In the afternoon they looked at mindfulness and started some basic yoga and breathing activities.

Year 5 - Spring Term - Why should the world's rainforests matter to all of us?

Welcome back to Spring Term in Year 5 where our topic will test the children's geographical knowledge of the world and make them aware of the impact of climate change.  In our topic "Why should the world's rainforests matter to all of us?", we will learn more about Greta Thunberg and her efforts to save our planet, as well as researching endangered animals via the WWF.   Persuasive Writing is on the agenda in our English lessons, as well as reading the award winning novel "The Explorer" by Katherine Rundell, about four children who find th

What a Mystery?

Year 4 opened a case file on the Missing Lighthouse Men from the Flannan Isles. They have been trying to solve the mystery by hunting out clues and reading evidence files from 123 years ago. I'm really looking forward to how they use these skills when we start to look at Scottish Myths and start our class text, The Secret Lake. 

Looking for dinosaur bones and fossils

Year 1 have been palaeontologists today by searching for dinosaur bones and fossils. They were very excited to find lots of different types and guessed what they thought they might be. They cannot wait to learn more about dinosaurs in our topic this half term 'What happened to the dinosaurs?'.

Reception MTP and Home Learning

Welcome back and Happy New Year!  Hope you all had a marvellous Christmas break.  Here is our medium term plan for this half term plus a home learning grid for anyone wanting to do some additional learning (this is entirely optional).

We will be learning all about Winter, Polar Regions and why things freeze this half term.  We will be reading 'Lost and Found'.

Mrs K


Year 3 have been learning about Earthquakes and the techonic plates. They've learnt that earthquakes are measured using a mercalli scale.

Where will our Adventure take us?

Happy New Year everybody! I hope you have had a lovely Christmas and New Year. We will be beginning the New Year with our topic 'Where will our adventure take us?' During Spring term 1, we will be exploring Piracy. We will be taking part in a Pirate themed day on Tuesday 6th February. Your child can come to school dressed as a Pirate on this day and we will be taking part in lot's of cross curricular activities. Please see our Spring term 1 medium term plan for our curriculum overview and the creative home learning grid for some fun cross curricular activities to complete at home.
