School Blog

Broadbent Fold vs Hollingworth

Our Year 5 and 6 boys football team had a great first match of the season with a close game against Hollingworth Primary School where we won 3-2. The boys showed great teamwork and positivity throughout the match and communicated well. There were some amazing goals scored and fantastic goal keeping skills throughout the match. Well done to everyone who played!

Fantastic Awards

A fantastic amount of awards for Year 4 today. They've achieved their Summer Reading Challenge awards, Good to be Green pencils, Head teacher awards and Mathletics awards too. Well done Year 4. 

Mastering number

This week, we have started our Mastering Number sessions. The children will be introduced to the rekenrek. This is one of the key representations used in the programme; the children will use it regularly to develop their understanding of numbers within 20 and the relationships between them. Like the other representations used, the rekenreks will also develop the children’s fluency.

Hanging our new bird feeders

Thank you to the Eco Leaders and their helpers for hanging the new bird feeders in our school grounds. We can't wait to see which feathery friends come for a tasty treat! 
