School Blog

Humanist visitor

We had a very interesting visit today from a humanist. We found out that humanism is a way of living that encourages humans to show love and care for other humans. We learned a lot and the class had some very interesting questions to ask.

Meet our new Reading Ambassadors

I am very excited to work with our new KS2 Reading Ambassadors. They will help me run competitions and challenges over the year to encourage reading for pleasure. 

They have already been set their first make a poster about reading to be displayed in our school library and on the Tameside Library Twitter (now X) feed.

I am very excited to work with them all this year. 

Forest Fun Week 1

Year 1 had a fabulous first Forest School session. We played beetle tag, did some bug hunting and made some fabulous forest crowns.

PE Skills in Year 5!

Year 5 have been enjoying their PE sessions so far this term!  During Invasion skills, they have been improving their dribbling and dodging tactics,.as well as learning the game of Danish Longball!  In Tag Rugby, they have been developing their sideways passing. Keep up the great work Year 5!  Mrs Blomeley


Victorian Timeline in Year 5!

Year 5 have started their journey back in time to learn about the Victorians!  We have learnt that the Victorian period began in 1837, when Victoria became Queen, until her death in 1901, when her son, Edward, became the new monarch!  We compared this to the recent coronation of our own new monarch, King Charles II who became King after the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth lI, last year. Of course, we found out about many other dates and inventions during the Victorian period which we will explore in more detail during our topic.  Mrs Blomeley 

Awards in Year 5! Week ending 15.9.23

Awards this week were given for making a great start to writing a diary from a Victorian Workhouse child's point of view and for being a lovely friend with a positive attitude towards school!  Good to be Green awards were given for following our school rules of being Ready, Respectful and Safe!  Well done everyone - another great week in Year 5!  Mrs Blomeley
