Class Blog

Year 3 Blog

Local Sports Nomination.

We are excited to tell you that we have been nominated for the Active Tameside Sport and Physical Activity Awards 2022. The event is a showcase for all the hard work that takes place in Tameside’s voluntary sport and physical activity clubs and groups. Broadbetn Fold Primary School and Nursery have been nominated for: School commitment to PE and sport award. This nomination is in recognition of our hard work and achievements over the last year. Well done to our pupils and staff for their effort and enthusiasm, especially Miss Mainprize our PE Leader.

Year 6 Head Girl, Head Boy and Prefects.

It is my pleasure to introduce you to our Head Girl Kasia and Head Boy Xander. They will be supported in their role by our Prefects; Henry, Harriet, Heidi, Seth, Maycie and Alfie. They will be working closely with me to support classes and drive standards in our school. They are all perfect role-models and I cannot wait to work with you all this year. Well done! 

Year 3 Autumn information

Where in the world will your ticket take you?

Our exciting, flying start to the term is based on a book called 'A ticket around the world', it is a fabulous hook to create interest in places which will enhance Geography knowledge.

Year 3 children can you share your travel or adventures? Where would you like to travel to?


Year 6 Leavers Video

Farewell to our amazing Year 6. Watch the video and enjoy watching them grow up at school. They're definitely ready for secondary school and we wish them all the best. Take good care Year 6 and don't forget to come back and tell us how you are getting on. 

End of Year Awards

Congratulations to these Year 3 children who have received very special end of year awards for for fantastic effort, attainmen, attendence and being our worry wizard chapion! Well done! You truly deserve it. 


We have achieved our golden award for PE - Games. We were aiming for silver, but got gold. Well done everyone! A huge well done and thank you to Miss Mainprize, who has worked so hard as our PE leader to achieve this. 

Handwriting Winners Summer 2

Well done to our Summer 2 handwriting winners! You have been awarded with your handwritng pencil and certificate for your amazing, neat presentation or for great effort and improvment in your handwriting.

Our winners are: Nursery- Ella, Reception- Aliza, Y1- Lois, Y2- Charlie, Y3- Lolly, Y4- Mia, Y5- Henry, Y6- Annabelle

All of their wonderful handwriting has been proudly displayed outside Mrs Parker's room. 

Our Roof is Complete.

Mr Daniel Parker the Executive at Crescent Roofing came today in assembly to share photos of the whole process. This was fascinating for our pupils and inspired a couple to want to be a roofer! We were also lucky to get drone footage of the school, which the pupils loved. Let's hope that it will last us, so we no longer need any more pots of pans! Our Pupil Leaders had some great questions, which Daniel answered and gave us more detail of the whole process. Well done to our leaders, you always make me proud. 

Computing in Year 3

Year 3 played a yes no game to ensure that they could successfully ask a question that only gave a yes or no answer.

Using Purple Mash Year 3 learnt how to use branching databases and then they created their own branching database.
