Class Blog

Year 3 Blog


Year 3 have tried ever so hard to develop and improve their hockey skills. Today, they've played mini hockey games using their hockey skills.

Well done impressive skills shown Year 3.

Year 3 Stars of the Week

Congratulations to our stars of the week! These children received Head Teachers's Awards for lovely manners and great effort in writing. We also had two Good to be Green winners. Well done everyone!

Sports Ambassadors in KS1

The Year 6 Sports Ambassadors have started to play games with KS1 at lunch times this week. It has been lovely to watch them supporting the younger children in sport.

Assembly with our visits from Holy Trinity Church

We all listened to our visitors from Holy Trinity Church who spoke about special memories of the Queen. The Queen we learnt was a Christian throughout her life and her faith. The Queen led by being a good example to others.

Can we lead others? Can we help others and be kind?

PTFA Funds

Our PTFA fund raising has enabled us to improve EYFS outdoor areas. We have a new climbing frame and a new writing shed. Thank you everyone for your support! 

New Pupil Leaders

Our new Pupil Leadership has been voted for by each class. Our leaders are essential in supporting Mrs Parker with school developments. They met today to discuss our Anti-bullying policy and made some valuable contributions.  

Reading Ambassadors

Our Reading Ambassadors are Millie L, Kai, Millie P, Flynn, Ruby, Reiss, Sam H and Mia.

They will support me throughout the year to promote reading for pleasure at Broadbent Fold in various ways.

They have already been set their first task to launch a competition to create a poster encouraging reading.

I am looking forward to their help this year.

Miss Harvey

Our New House Captains

This year to encourage the highest standards of behaviour we have introduced House Teams - Amber, Ruby, Emerald and Sapphire. Our new year 6 Captains, will count the pupil's star awards each week and a trophy will be presented in assembly. At the end of each term the winning team receives a special treat. All the staff have also been allocated a team too. Good luck to all teams. Let's see who the first winner will be.

In memory of Queen Elizabeth II

On Sunday I visited Dukinfield Town Hall and placed some beautiful flowers in memory and in thanks to our Queen. From all the pupils and staff at Broadbent Fold Primary School and Nursery, we are saddened by the loss to the nation, but thankful we were part of her reign. 
