Class Blog

Year 3 Blog

Amazing Awards

A big well done to our stars of the week! This week, Head Teacher's certificates were awarded for lovely manners and effort in reading and writing. We also had two Good to be Green lottery winners and three children received Bronze Awards. 


Today, we have started our new science unit; rocks and soils. We learnt about different types of rocks and how they are formed. We also looked at examples of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. 

Year 3 Autumn 2 Information

An exciting theme of learning all based on:

Could you survive the Stone Age?

I'm a modern child... Get me out of here!!!

Year 3's information on Home Learning and our Medium Term Plans is attached. Remember to either share home learning on Seesaw or bring it into class to share.


Outdoors Stone Age Themed activities in Year 3

Year 3 started Autumn 2 with Stone Age activities outdoors. In Stone Age style they became hunters, throwing spears (javelins) to catch Woolly mammoths and other animals. They practised throwing like ' Stone age' gathers so that they could have enough food to eat.

Thanks to Mrs Anson Year 3 children even cooked on a fire just like Stone Age people would have needed to do in order to cook food.

Year 3 became Stone Age boys and girls. 

Could you survive being a Stone Age boy or girl?

Afternoon Tea with Mrs Parker

These wonderful role models have been green all term and enjoyed afternoon tea with me. I loved it and we ate too much chocolate cake.Well done to everyone who has also been green - maybe next time it will be you!  

Friday Awards

All Year 3 children have work incredibly hard this half term. Congratulations to this week's superstars! These children have been awarded Head Teacher's certificates for their effort writing and computing. We also had Good to be Green raffle winners and a Vocabulary Ninja Champion. 

Space Display

Our new space display is out of this world!!

This showcases some of the work which was completed around the school during Space Week in October. 

Well done!

Miss Harvey

Computer Systems & Networks

This half term Year 3 children have been learning about what a computer network looks like and what the school network looks like.

Children have taken part in a 'scavenger hunt' with a computer network theme where they located network sockets, switches and servers.

If you look at the display in our computer suite or look closely at this picture children have drawn what they think the computer network looks like.


The Pupil Leaders met with me earlier this week to judge our poems which were entered during Space Week. It was very tough to choose a winner from each class and everybody who entered the competition received a star point.

Our winners won a special book in assembly today.

They are:

Y1- Daisy

Y2- Eva

Y4- Isla

Y5- Amelia

Y6- Kasia

Thank-you to everyone who entered! 

Miss Harvey
