Class Blog

Year 3 Blog

Cross Country Grand Prix

Lots of children in KS2 gave up their Saturday morning to represent Broadbent Fold in the first cross country race of the season and we had lots of brilliant results! Well done to everyone!

Year 3/4 Girls

Aubrey 4th, Isla 8th, Chloe 20th, Phoebe 30th, Millie 31st, Ellie 32nd, Evie 33rd, Courtney 36th and Lottie 37th

Year 3/4 Boys

George 2nd and Jacob 5th

Year 5/6 Boys

Sam 7th, Boyd 10th, Xander 11th, Theo 15th, Daniel 16th and Oliver 25th

Year 3 Stars of the week

Congratulations to Year 3 children who have been awarded certificates this week. Head Teacher's Award for artwork and brilliant behaviour. Good to be Green pencils for following our school values and a Handwriting Award for beautiful handwriting and presentation. Well done! You make us proud! 

Space Poem Competition

World Space Week begins on 4th October and Thursday 6th October is National Poetry Day.

We are going to combine them together for our new competition for Y1-6.

I would like you to create a space themed poem. This could be about the planets, our solar system or maybe you want to make a poem about aliens.

Present your poem colourfully and you may win a prize in your class. Hand your completed poem to your teacher by Friday 14th October and the winners will be announced in assembly in the final week of the half term.

Good luck.

Miss Harvey

Handwriting Award Autumn 1 2022

I am so impressed with our superstars who have won the first Handwriting Award in our new school year. 

All of our amazing handwriting is on display outside Mrs Parker's office. Please have a look at their work in the photographs. 

Our winners are: Nursery- Arlo, Reception- Vincenza, Y1- George, Y2- Olivia, Y3- Jorge, Y4- Aubrey, Y5- Reiss, Y6- Jenson

Primary Science Quality Mark 2022

We have achieved our Primary Science and Quality Mark! Primary Science Quality Mark (PSQM) is the only national award scheme to develop and celebrate the quality of science teaching and learning in primary schools.

Exciting Experiments

Today, we investigated reflective materials. We shone torches on different materials and used iPads to measure brightness of the reflected light. We found out that shiny and smooth materials reflect light best. 

Friday Awards

A massive well done to our Year 3 award winners this week. These children received Head Teacher's Award for their hard work, immaculate manners and Good to be Green Awards for following our school values. 

Reading Competition

The KS2 Reading Ambassadors launched a competition for classes to design a poster encouraging reading for pleasure.

The Ambassadors met together to choose two winners from each class involved- this was a tough decision!

We chose our overall winner- Sam Sheppard from Year 5! Well done Sam!

All of the winning posters will be proudly displayed in the KS2 Library and they will also be sent to Tameside Libraries who will share them too.

Our winners are: Y2- Matilda H and Reeva Y3- Vincent and Chloe Y4- Hollie and Renie Y5- Mia and Sam Y6- Lexi and Xander.

Music in Year 3

Year 3 have been learning music through our Charanga music programme. Today we began to use instruments to clap to the beat.
