Class Blog

Year 3 Blog

Commonwealth Games Baton Relay

Broadbent Fold took part in the Commonwealth Games Baton Relay where the baton was passed between lots of schools in Tameside. Our Sports Leaders Molly and Sophie represented the school in carrying the baton. Everyone is so excited for the Commonwealth Games to be held in Birmingham in a few weeks. 

Amazing Awards

Wow Year 3 you are still working super hard. This week we've had Head Teacher's Awards for brilliant work in history and computing, Good to be Green pencils for following our school rule. Some children collected 170 star points and achieved Gold Awards. We also have a Handwriting Champion and Vocabulary Ninja. Well done! You make us proud.


Sports' Day Year 3

It's been years since Sports' Day and parents have been able to watch Broadbent Fold's Sports' Day!

An exciting after enjoyed by everyone.

Children throughout school were put into teams representing countries.

The winners: 3rd Portugal, 2nd China and 1st Great Britain.

Thank you to all those involved.

Summer Fair

Thank you to everyone for joining us and supporting us on our summer fair. We had the good weather, great games, lovely food and plenty of fun. Thank you to the PTFA for their support too! We will share our total soon, but this will go to improving our libraries. 

Friday Awards

Congratulations to our awards winners this week. Head Teacher's certificates were awarded for fantastic writing and DT skills during our food technology sessions. Some children received Silver and Gold Awards. Well done to our Good to be Green raffle winners. Year 3 also received a trophe for brilliant work in PE with sports coach. Great work everybody!

Design Technology- food making Greek salads

Year 3 as part of Design Technology week researched and planned and healthy Greek salad.

In groups they cut food using knives and presented their food items so that pupil leaders could evaluate and judge their group's Greek salad.

We really enjoyed making Greek salads and want to make them at home so parents get ready for master chefs making delicious healthy meals.

Tameside Library Gadgeteers Summer reading challenge

Science is all around you!What do you love doing? Are you a brilliant baker? Or a mega music fan? Are you the tech wizard amongst your friends?Join the Gadgeteers for the Summer Reading Challenge to discover the amazing science and innovation behind the world around you, including some of your favourite things!Curious? Perfect!

Year 3 Stars of the week

Congratulations to our stars of the week. These children received Head Teacher's Award, Good to be Green pencils, as well as Gold and Silver Awards. Well done! Keep it up

Swimming Gala

 Well done to our year 5 and 6s who represented Broadbent Fold in the Tameside Swimming Gala. Pupils swam so fast and we even had a couple of 1st places! We came 6th overall and the pupils were a great team supporting and cheering each other on. We are very proud. 
