Class Blog

Year 3 2024-2025 Blog

RSPB Big Schools Bird Watch

The Eco Leaders carried out the RSPB Big Schools Bird Watch this morning.  They were all excellent at spotting the birds that are living in and near the school grounds.  We saw Magpies, Carrion crows, Sparrows and Robins.  We even spotted some beautiful Goldfinches eating the seeds from the Alder trees.  Well done everyone you did a fabulous job!



Vicious Volcanoes

Our creative project in Year 3 this half term is a volcano model. The children worked really hard to creative some amazing models. We had smoking volcano, erupiting volcano and even a chocolate panettoni cake volcano. The cake looked and smelled delicious and we all wanted to eat it! The children practised their oracy skills when they shared their models and described the process of making them and materials they used. 

Friday Awards

Year 3 has started this term with lots of certificates. Head Teacher's Awards were given for brilliant attitude for learning and great work in reading and phonics. Congratulations to our Good to be Green lottery winners. Some children achieved Bronze and Silver Awards. Well done!

Engineers of the future

Year 3 have been learning about earthquakes and their devastating effects. The children designed earthquake proof buildings and used junk modelling to make them. They will test their buildings on the shake tray to see if they can survive an earthquake. 

Muslim visitor

Imran, a Muslim visitor taught Year 3 stories of Muhammad, we learnt Muhammad had so much sadness in his life as lots of his family had died. 

However, later in his life he had a calling from Allah. Muhammad went to live in the wilderness to receive messages from God. 

Did you know Imran loved Muhammad more than anyone else? A good Muslim does and Imran has even been to Mecca.























Urban Extreme Dance Fest

Last half term, Broadbent Fold loved taking part in the Urban Extreme Dance Fest and came away with a trophy for team spirit. We were really proud of everyone who took part; they encouraged and supported everyone in their own team and also cheered on other schools too. A big thank you to our dance coach Zoe for helping us with our routine and a special well done to Lottie who represented our school in a dance off. 

A letter from HRH King Charles III

During the first half term, Year 6 wrote a letter to King Charles III as part of their learning about the royal monarchs. This week we received a very special reply from the Palace which we are delighted with. This is very special and will be framed in school for others to read.

Well done Year 6! 

House Team Winners - Ruby!

Ruby have won the House Team Points for autumn term. Well done Ruby - you have been so impressive all term and have worked incredibly hard to achieve your rewards. On Friday 13th January, you will receive a special non-uniform day for your efforts. Good luck to the other teams this term - you can do it! 

Year 3 Spring 1 -2023

Our creative topic this term is What makes the Earth angry?


All our learning will be based on this theme, it is a exciting theme one which we know children will enjoy. Attached is the information -MTP, Home Learning Grid and a Challenge!

Keep an eye on the news so that children can come into school able to discuss any recent disasters.

