Class Blog

Year 4 2024-2025 Blog

Autumn 2 in Year 4

I do hope you all have a fabulous October half term holiday, and the children get a break before coming back for our second term in Year 4. This half term will start off with our Science topic of Sound. The children will be finding out about how their ears work, how sound travels and how the telephone was invented and works. We will also be whizzing off around the world.  The children will be learning about the Capital Cities, Greenwich Meridian, the Tropics and the Equator.

Reading Ambassadors training

Today the KS2 Reading Ambassadors met together for their training with Cassie from and Joy from Tameside Libraries. They have ideas ready to set a whole school reading challenge.

Thank you for your ideas- what a great team! 

Roman Legacy

To finish our Roman topic off, Year 4 have been answering the question- how did the Romans change Britain? They have been fascinated by all the things we use today that the Romans introduced. Their research has led them to find out about the Romans introducing language, money, religion, stone buildings, straight roads, central heating and much more. They are definitely gearing themselves up for our Roman quiz tomorrow. Well done Year 4. 

Super Space Week

Week beginning the 4th October is national space week. The school immersed themselves in learning about space. They have been fascinated about our solar system, the planets, the moons, space travel, astronauts and other galaxies. Year 2 even went to Jodrell Bank as a trip. Look at how fantastic the schools' display looks. 

Black History Month

The whole school have been studying important black historical figures. The children have worked hard to learn and perform poems, find out about segregation and the American civil rights movement, to learn about inspirational figures and their fight for equality, freedom and reduce racism. We all hope in the future for an equal society, where regardless of the colour of our skin, we are treated fairly and with respect. 

Cross Country Grand Prix Week 3

It was the third and final week of the cross country this Saturday and it certainly was feeling more like cross country weather but that didn't stop the pupils from Broadbent Fold. We had some amazing results with children knocking a minute off their time from previous weeks, pupils finishing in higher ranked positions and we even had George win the Under 9 boys race! It was lovely to see the Broadbent Fold community come together with pupils and parents all cheering on and supporting children in the different races.

Linking Schools Project

Year 3 are very exciting to be starting The Linking Schools Project.

The process supports all children to build connections with others as they undertake an exciting, learning journey together with their class. 

The key areas focused on are:

'Who am I ?'

'Who are we?'

'Where do we live?'

On display we have our Linking School's jumper and our Broadbent Fold jumper we've exchanged them as the first part of our journey.

Coming soon....bunting made my our Linking School!


Wonderful Awards

A massive congratulations to our winners this week, we even had our first Bronze award in Year 4 too. Great work Year 4. 

Art in Key Stage 2!

Our Art Gallery in Key Stage 2 looks amazing with artwork from this half term!  Year 3 learnt about George Bridgetower - a famous violinist from Poland - and their sketches are brilliant!  Year 4, inspired by their Roman topic, created people in motion and produced some great Roman Soldiers!  Year 5 have been learning about the lives of poor Victorian children who had to work for a living.  They used the medium of charcoal to create their images of grubby chimney sweeps.  Year 6 have produced some fantastic work, inspired by street artists Keith Haring and Banksy.  We are very proud of our
