Class Blog

Year 6 Blog

Find out about the world...

If you can’t go out, why not travel the world from home?

Stockport Council have produced these ideas- find out about a different country each week. Here are some ideas for China and Japan.

Make sure that you send in examples of whatever you find out :)

Reading competition entry

I love these photographs of Oliver and Jacob reading together. I find anything about space fascinating. Well done boys.

Keep sending in more photographs for the competition Broadbent Fold!

Alex's fabulous learning

A great mixture of work from Alex at home last week. I love your interpretation of the wolf story- I would never have thought of a game of hide and seek. Well done for using adverbials and a semi colon. Great work on angles too. I am so pleased that you are keeping up with so much reading as well. Great stuff Alex :)

Year 6 home learning- 11th May

Hello Year 6!

This week you would have been sitting your SATs tests. It is ok if you feel relieved but I also understand if you feel a little upset or frustrated. You have all worked so hard this year and I am proud of all of your achievements :)

I read the poem below that a mum in County Durham called Gemma Peacock wrote which has gone viral and I thought of all of you! 

Press the read more button to access this week's home learning tasks. Please keep in touch with your photographs and send me any completed work this week. Take care. 

VE Day Art Challenge


Thank you for complementing our VE Day Art Challenge and designing a poster to thank our heroes past and present.  I love your posters and I’m very impressed by your creativity!


Big WELL DONE to Evie in Year 2, Laura in Year 4, Sophie and Brooke in Year 4, Matthew in Year 1 and Freya Year 5, Tilly in Year 4 and Finlay in Year 6, Luca in Year 6, Chloe Year 6, Elissa and Leeson in Year 6.

