Class Blog

Year 6 Blog

Riley's time in lock down

Riley it is excellent to see how much work you have completed at home again.

I am so impressed that your fact file about lions was shared on an online program about vets. I didnt know that they start off with spots. Very informative. 

Well done for keeping up your fitness with running. I know that your mum is trying to keep up with you :)

It is lovely to hear from you. Keep up the good work!

Jessica's extreme reading

I love both of your photographs Jessica- I would love to be a ble to sit in a tree and read in peace. I'm not sure that I would be able to climb back down haha.

I love how relaxed you look listening to your ebook in the second photograph. Great stuff :)

Luca has been exploring natural habitats

Luca has been busy on Dukinfield canal exploring the wildlife that lives there.

Great detective work finding clues about the animals that have their natural habitat there. 

I love your picture of the goslings- we have some near us too!

Well done Luca :)
