Class Blog

Year 6 Blog

Aidan's Tour of Tameside

Aidan has compelted the 7 mile challenge as part of the Tour of Tameside. He walked 7 miles over 2 days around the fields and pathways near his house. He even met a friend along the way. Well done Aidan!

Year 6 home learning- 15th June

Well done to all of the children that started to complete their home learning tasks again last week. I know that it is getting difficult to keep motivated so well done if you’ve managed to complete at least one activity per day.

I am pleased to see some of you taking part of the Tour of Tameside too! Well done.

Keep sending in your nominations for the end of year- I can’t wait to see who gets voted for what :)

Here are your home learning tasks for this week- click on read more to get the attachments.

Maisie's Moments!

Maisie celebrated her birthday during half term!  Happy Belated Birthday!   Here she is with her favourite present - a beautiful soft and cuddly bunny rabbit called Bella!

Isaac and Maisie's kind gesture

I am very proud of Isaac and Maisie. During half term they made home made pizzas which look delicious. They designed logos for the pizza boxes, created menus and even wrote up their top secret recipe. They then sold the pizzas to their family to raise money for their local food bank. What a brilliant idea and well done for raising £60.

I am sure that this will have helped many vulnerable people. 

Well done for being so thoughtful and generous :)

Miss Harvey

Kai's spy gadgets

Well done Kai I love your gadget designs. I think that you could easily be snapped up by MI5 to make their future desgns. I especially love your anti-gravity boots I would love to have a go at wearing these.

Great work Kai :)
