Class Blog

Year 6 Blog

Tolletts on tour

Well done to Riley and Reuben for taking part in the Tour of Tameside challenge. 

I am really pleased that you are pushing yourselves to get better and better each time.

Fantastic effort boys. Keep it up :)

Miss Harvey

Jessica's birthday generosity

Well done to Jessica- leading up to her 11th birthday she organised a food collection for a local food bank and she made glitter calming bottles which she sold for donations for Tameside Hospital childrens ward. I am very proud of you- a super cause! And happy birthday :)

Well done for keeping up with so much home learning too- you are working so hard and it will really benefit you when you go to high school.

I am sorry that the pictures won't turn the right way up. I have tried everything.

Take care and well done again :)

Year 6 home learning- 8th June

Hello Year 6. I hope that you enjoyed having a week off and had some time for yourself. 

I am really sorry and disappointed that I won't see you this week as planned. I was really looking forward to seeing all of your faces again. 

I hope that things settle down again soon so that we get some time together before the summer holidays-hopefully we will meet again on 22nd June.

Keep checking any letters sent home with updates.

Extra activities Year 6

I hope you are enjoying the lovely weather at the moment.

If you have had the chance to watch the videos in the parent section about returning to school I hope that you are feeling happier about what to expect on Monday 8th June.

Here are some activities that you can do next week if you choose to.

Follow this link to look at some resources about the next science theme 'World environment day' 

Oliver and Maisie's Tour of Tameside 2020

Oliver and Maisie have completed the 7 mile challenge for this years Tour of Tameside. They look like they have had lots of fun and have been to some beautiful places. Well done for completing the challenge both of you! You will get your certificates soon.

Can anyone else complete the Tour of Tameside 2020?

Reading competition winners

Thank you to all of the children who entered our reading competition.

We have all really enjoyed seeing your photographs of the strange and wonderful places that you have been reading at home.

Everybody who entered will be emailed a certificate for joining in.

Our winners are:

Reception- George

KS1- Logan

KS2- Freya

Well done to everybody again, Miss Harvey :) 

Extra activities

Please have a look at the following links for other activities that you can complete at home.

There are some great ideas for learning more about Spain.

I love the non-screen activities too.

Remember to send in samples of what you get up to :)

Jacob's fantastic work

Jacob thank you for sending in your English work writing about your lockdown experience- this will be interesting for you to look back on in the future. I am glad that you have found lots to enjoy to write about. 

I love your PE poster about staying fit too. It is so important to look after yourself especially when you're not as active as you normally would be.

Great ball skills too Jacob- it looks like you are keeping yourself very busy. Well done :)

Year 6 home learning 25th May

Here is the Home Learning Grid for the week beginning 25th May that will provide you with ideas for activities to compete at home.  Please click read more to access!

 Just a reminder, this is the last piece of work set until the 8th June.

Please take some time to rest up and enjoy the lovely weather over the Whit holidays. 

Stay safe, Miss Harvey
