Class Blog

Year 6 Blog

Year 6's leavers movie

Year 6 you have made it to your very last day at Broadbent Fold. I hope you leave us with many happy memories.

Please see the attached link to watch the Y6 leavers movie:

I would like to thank Mrs Gething, Mrs Anson and Mrs McCoy for helping ease the smooth transition of welcoming the year 6 children back into school after lock-down. 


We have all truly loved teaching your children.

Take care,

Awards ceremony

Class of 2020! You have been amazing!

The children voted for special awards to present each other with. We zoomed each others bubble so that we could watch each other. Thank you to Mrs Gething for your lovely leavers video- we had a few happy tears. You all thoroughly deserve your awards. Well done and good luck Year 6.

Love from Broadbent Fold :)

Year 6 home learning- 20th July

Year 6 you made it!

You have all been wonderful and I have thoroughly enjoyed teaching you all this year. Good luck for your future. Please keep in touch with us at Broadbent Fold.

Have the best summer holiday and start getting excited about your high school adventures. Your high schools are so lucky to be getting you.

Please look at the link attached for websites you can use this week and over the summer holidays.

I will miss you all next year.

Year 6 leaving celebrations

The children have all had a wonderful time in the last couple of days celebrating their time at Broadbent Fold. They enjoyed their special meal. Today they have had so much fun toasting marshmallows with Mrs Anson around their home-made fire in the Willow. They finished off their first session playing 'closer closer'... I'm sure nobody cheated really ;)

Results of Times Table Rock Stars Guinness World Records® Title Holder!

To all those Rock Legends out there!  Back in May I posted a link about becoming a Times Table Rock Stars Guinness World Records® Title Holder!  I'm not sure if anyone entered from our school but the results are now in and the title was won by a 10 year old boy from Long Eaton.  Take a look at his winning video by clicking on the link below.  His speed is incredible!  Well done to anyone who did enter - please let me know if you did! Mrs Blomeley

10-year old achieves a GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS title in maths during lockdown

Dylan and Elliot's Tour of Tameside

Dylan and Elliot have done lots of walking whilst they have been off school and have completed the Tour of Tameside 7 mile challenge. On their walks they have been Geocaching where they have searched for hidden 'caches' using GPS coordinates. One of the caches they found was in an old WW2 bunker! How cool is that! What a fantastic achievement boys, well done!

Summer Reading

During the summer holidays can you take part in a reading challenge?

Tameside libraries are doing the Silly Squad reading challenge- find the details on their website:

Also you can take part in the Summer Reading Bingo challenge- download the bingo board A or B. If you complete a board and bring back your 'full house' in September you will win a special certificate. 

Sports Week Competition Results

It is the moment you have all been waiting for to see who has won the balancing competition and Virtual Sports Day Pentathlon from Sports Week. I was amazed by the efforts everyone put in to all the different activities that they did! Well done to everyone who took part.


The balancing competition winners are...

EYFS = Dominic

KS1 = Ruby

KS2 = Niamh


The winners in the Virtual Sports Day Pentathlon are...

Speed bounce = Noah (EYFS), Evie (KS1) and Henry (KS2)

Around the world = Amelia (EYFS), Ruby (KS1) and Aarron (KS2)

Home learning Year 6 week beginning 13th July

I cannot believe that this is the last full week of term for Y6. Next week I will send some fun transtition activities that your children can complete. As I said in the letter sent out to the groups this week I have loved teaching your children this year. They are amazing, funny, kind and caring. They made me feel so welcome and I have been really upset that we ended the year as we did. I have missed the group I haven't taught in the last few weeks so much and always wave at them as I pass their classroom. 
